I’ve spent the last couple of days really thinking myself into how I want things be after January 1. I’m setting myself up so that I have maximum motivation and every opportunity to do this right, so I’ve given my blog a facelift, set myself up a new spreadsheet for tracking my losses, reactivated my Weight Watchers food tracker and to make things even more interesting have set myself a lower target.
What am I going to do differently to the past couple of months? Well for the past two months I’ve been struggling with undiagnosed (despite a huge round of blood tests) constant muscular pain in my back – still none the wiser as to what it is/was but it does seem to be gradually improving. But while this was at it’s worst I stopped walking and generally fed my face on whatever I felt like – poor me I’m not well kind of thing! Then of course there’s the alcohol – back to having several glasses of wine every night. And then there was Christmas.
So the plan going forward is:
Alcohol – after New Year’s Eve there will be a long dry spell till Easter. I definitely lose better and sleep better when I do without. But there’s another reason – there have been a couple of occasions in the past 12 months when I’ve gone to the doctor’s and my blood pressure has been on the high side. Every piece of research on hypertension cites alcohol as a highly probable contributing cause – especially drinking as much as I do. I’ve bought myself a BP monitor and will watch how it performs during the abovementioned dry spell and see if there is an improvement.
Exercise – commit to walking at least four nights a week – more if I can manage it and look seriously at getting back to the gym – a tricky one since it’s so hard to find the time to get there and walk too but I did manage it for a while so will see if I can shuffle things around and make it back there. This will probably help my back too.
Tracking – I pay $24 a month for WW online so I’m going to use it properly.
Revised Target – I think that because I nearly get there I slacken off when I’m close to it and I’m settling for less than I should. So I’m going to try to push myself harder with a harder target and see if that’ll get me really going – sounds a bit crackpottish but we’ll see.
Carrots – I’ve just booked flights for Bloss and I to go to Hong Kong in May so there’s carrot no 1 and then we plan to go to the States and Mexico in September so there’s carrot no 2. A loss of 15 kgs in 8 months should be achievable.
I apologise to everyone for just dropping out of the blog circuit – not sure what happened – went on holiday – came back to a new focus I guess and just couldn’t get back to it. Mind you I’ve still been popping in to check on you all from time to time,, so hope you’ll forgive me and welcome me back to the fold!! I know that last year when I was blogging regularly, getting feedback from you guys and following your progress, I did some very clever things.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Crawling Back
Well I've had a few months off and surprise, surprise those kilos have just been sneaking on again. So I've revamped my blog, given it a bit of a facelift and will be back blogging on Jan 1. See you all then and in the meantime - Happy New Year!!
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Just had to share this
I read a verse of this poem on Michelle's site and thought it was fantastic so did a bit of checking on the authoress and found the whole poem.
Phenomenal Woman
by Maya Angelou
Pretty women wonder where my secret lies
I'm not cute or built to suit a model's fashion size
But when I start to tell them
They think I'm telling lies.
I say
It's in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips
The stride of my steps
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman
That's me.
I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please
And to a man
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees
Then they swarm around me
A hive of honey bees.
I say
It's the fire in my eyes
And the flash of my teeth
The swing of my waist
And the joy in my feet.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman
That's me.
Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them
They say they still can't see.
I say
It's in the arch of my back
The sun of my smile
The ride of my breasts
The grace of my style.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman
That's me.
Now you understand
Just why my head's not bowed
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud.
I say
It's in the click of my heels
The bend of my hair
The palm of my hand
The need for my care.
'Cause I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman
That's me.
Monday, July 24, 2006
I'm slack!!!!
Sorry people – have been really slack these past couple of weeks. I have been really busy but not that busy that I couldn’t have taken a few minutes to just update. I have been popping into your blogs and have managed to leave the odd comment but just haven’t had the motivation to actually do an entry on my own. And even today I’m really doing this because I feel bad about just disappearing off the face of the earth with not a word to anyone!
Life is good though – only four more days of work then off to Penang on Saturday for 7 nights. I’m pretty organised now I think – but still lots of jobs to do during the week. Racing into town tonight after work to get a couple of last minute things, then tomorrow night Bloss and I are going to a retirement investment seminar, then Wednesday night I think the kids will be down for tea, Thursday night is the beautician for a ‘spray and wax’ – the usual wax plus a fake tan, then Friday night take the dog to the kennels and drop keys off at my sons place. We’re out of here on the first flight Saturday morning so that means 5am out of bed!
Looks like the wandering son will arrive back in Oz while we’re out of Oz! Typical!! But he’ll be here for a couple of weeks and will stay at our place so will still get a chance to spoil him a bit.
When we get back from Penang I’m only home four days then taking off to Mt Gambier for an old friends 50th. I’m leaving Friday morning and get into Melbourne in the afternoon and spending that night with another old friend from WA days. I fly on to Mt Gambier on Saturday morning, go to the 50th that night then leave Mt G again on Sunday morning at 10.30 and head back via Sydney getting into Rockhampton again about 5.30pm that night. A real whistle stop but will be great fun and so looking forward to catching up with many friends from WA days most of whom I haven’t seen in 12 – 15 years.
On the weight front – I’m just marking time – haven’t managed to pull any rabbits out of the hat before I go on holiday but at least just holding steady. Ok that’s where I’m at – hope everyone out there is happy and healthy. Will tell you all about Penang when I get back.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
A Week Off or an Off Week?
Well either way I’ve been pretty slack. I just couldn’t seem to get focussed so have had a few wines every night, a couple of chocolates on the weekend etc. I’ve hardly walked this last week and didn’t open my online tracker for a week. There…… that’s got that off my chest! So no weight comment this week – it’s jumping about madly - but will update next week.
Actually all week I’d just been slip sliding but by the weekend I’d actually decided that I wasn’t going to get all hung up on my careless attitude and I’d continue to be relaxed but that come Monday I’d be back on track. I feel that was quite a step forward in my thinking – previously I’d have been beating myself round the head and would have been really angry with myself. But I guess one of the differences this time was that although I relaxed I still didn’t go silly – had a couple of indulgences but nonetheless still felt I was in control.
So it’s now just under four weeks till we leave for Penang so I’m going to make a determined effort to shift a couple more kilos before then.
Otherwise it’s been a fairly quiet week. It was great to get all your comments on my ‘100 facts’ and now I’d like to challenge all of you to do one too – it does really give a fascinating insight into someone’s persona – I really enjoyed finding out more about Little Grover.
Have got Josh my elder grandson coming to stay on Friday night – just him this time so we can get up to a few different things like making and icing cakes, painting our picture, visiting the various playparks round the neighbourhood. Last week when we had Curtis too I wasn’t able to devote the necessary time to do all these things with Josh so we’re having a special visit just for him. They were here for tea last night and as they were leaving we were making the plans for me to pick up Josh on Friday. I said that once Curtis was older he might be able to come and stay on his own. Josh immediately replied – “ Oh I’ll be coming too – because I’m his brother you know!!
Hope you’re all having a great week.
PS This sums up my week that was : "The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places."
Monday, June 26, 2006
100 things you might not know about me
Idea poached unashamedly from Little Grover
1. I’m a training advisor for a large manufacturing company
2. I originally trained as a Secretarial Linguist
3. I studied French, German, Latin and Greek – now pretty hopeless on all of them through lack of use
4. I have two sons, two stepsons and three grandsons
5. My husband and I have been together for 10 years, married for 3 years
6. I'm scared of mice but spiders don't worry me
7. I love jewellery – particularly gold and have lots of it which I wear all the time
8. I adore shoes and many people look at my feet first to check out what shoes I’m wearing
9. I wear a uniform to work – shirt with reflective stripes, trousers, helmet and safety boots
10. I read lots – mostly fiction – have been known to get through 8 or 10 books in a week
11. I wear false nails – have done for about 7 years – do them myself.
12. I am the eldest of four – two brothers (one deceased) and one sister
13. I am originally from Scotland, migrated to WA with first husband who was an Aussie, 24 years ago
14. I still talk funny!
15. I wouldn’t be seen dead without mascara
16. I am known at work for having a lovely office – have added a few plants and some posters – makes a huge difference
17. I adore travelling – we go overseas at least once each year.
18. I didn’t get the travel bug until I met my current husband
19. In 10 years we have visited Bali, Hong Kong, Singapore, Fiji, New Zealand (8 times) Spain, Portugal, Morocco, France, Monaco, Ireland, Wales, England, Scotland (3 times), Thailand, Cook Islands, Malaysia, Japan, USA
20. I love dogs – have had a Doberman, Boxer, Ridgeback/ Labrador and now a Ridgeback/Boxer
21. I also love horses – had a pony as a child, then an ex racehorse, a little Arab cross and a quarter horse. Haven’t ridden for about 10 years.
22. I am a perfectionist and known for my attention to detail
23. I am a Virgo
24. I have a team of four training officers working for me – two male and two female
25. My boss and I have worked together for 7 years – without doubt the best working relationship of my life
26. I play the piano
27. I am only 5ft 3 ins – my husband is 6ft 4ins
28. I have my hair coloured regularly – I have a quite a number of silver streaks appearing
29. I used to smoke – stopped 16 years ago
30. My husband still smokes – wish he would stop
31. I used to be terrified of the dentist but now don’t mind at all
32. I was married the first time at 19 and was in that marriage for 20 years
33. I had glamour photos done at 40 – a top experience!
34. I drink far too much
35. My favour drink is white wine – chardonnay or sauvignon blanc
36. If I am drinking spirits I like rum, bourbon or brandy
37. I was dux of my primary school
38. My real name is Anne
39. My husband, eldest son and I all work for the same company
40. My daughter in law is a teacher
41. I am left handed
42. I was a waitress for many years when I was at high school and college
43. I need glasses now for reading but have had them for distance for a long time
44. My current car is a silver Rav 4
45. My last car was a black coupe (always wanted a black sports car so got one)
46. One of my nicknames at work is ‘Mum’ since I’m always fixing things up for ‘my boys’
47. I’m the only woman in a management team of 9, and one of only a few women in my area of 200 people
48. No one is allowed to swear in my office – I’m no prude but that’s my standard
49. I’m a softy and will cry very easily watching a movie or reading a book.
50. But in real life situations I don’t cry – I’m very practical and deal with things by leaping into action
51. I was an incredible tomboy as a child and spent most of my time outside with Dad
52. I can milk a cow
53. I fell down stairs and broke my foot so I am now paranoid about three points of contact
54. I have a cleaning lady and an ironing lady
55. I have an under active thyroid
56. I suffer (not very often now) from migraine headaches
57. I love music and have a very wide ranging taste
58. I am a candle freak and have candles, incense etc burning all over the house.
59. I love perfume and treat myself every time we go overseas. I wear my perfumes day and night and don’t believe in saving it for good.
60. Current favourite evening perfume is Narcisso Rodriguez, Paloma Picasso
61. Daytime favourites – Coco, Fendi, Fiji, Black by Kenneth Coleman, Estee, Cinnabar, FCUK, Still
62. I am a writer of lists
63. I start packing well before we go on holiday – I enjoy the journey as much as the destination
64. I am a fruit bat – have no trouble getting through 4 or 5 pieces of fruit in a day
65. My favourite chocolates are Lindor
66. I wear jeans or trousers most of the time
67. I buy fresh flowers for the house every week – lilies are my favourite
68. Although I am a pretty good cook and an excellent baker I try to avoid spending time in the kitchen.
69. I can spend hours on my PC – Bloss and I have one each – side by side in the study.
70. I am an incredible flirt
71. I used to be a registrar in a primary school
72. I haven’t told anyone that I have this blog
73. I used to do part time market research – knocking on doors conducting surveys
74. I used to drink about 14 cups of coffee a day- I now drink one or two
75. I love bright colours – particularly red and blue
76. I like watching cricket and AFL but not soccer or rugby league
77. I love cryptic crosswords
78. I also enjoy logic puzzles
79. I have pierced ears – two holes on one and three on the other – one up high.
80. I don’t have any tattoos nor do I want any – have this vision of a group of old ladies in a retirement home comparing tattoos and saying ‘can you guess what this was?’
81. I don’t watch very much television but I do watch Big Brother
82. I adore dancing
83. I used to sing in the Church choir
84. Human behaviour fascinates me
85. I’m manipulative – not in a nasty way – but I do find it relatively easy to get people to do what I want by knowing just which buttons to push
86. I’m currently having huge mood swings but over the past couple of months have taken charge of myself and made the decision that I am not going to allow my moods to rule my behaviour – and so far it seems to be working quite well
87. My friend and I who are noted for having fun and enjoying life are sometimes referred to as the ‘Ab Fabs’ I choose to take this as a compliment!
88. I am very much a people person but nonetheless value my own space and enjoy time on my own
89. I never want to say when I’m old that “I wish I had’ so this means that I’ll try most things – if it works … great and if it doesn’t well at least I had a go
90. I have no desire to either parachute or bungee jump – don’t like heights very much
91. I have a certificate of Professional Competence in Road Haulage Operations - I used to work for a truck dealership.
92. My Myer Briggs profile is ESFJ
93. My Belbin profile is Implementer/Completer Finisher
94. I don’t suffer fools gladly and lack patience sometimes – I do believe I have managed to improve this over the years
95. I used to be able to take shorthand at 130 wpm – no hope now
96. I hope I can stay as young at heart as my mum – she is 73 and still game to try anything. Bought herself a second hand computer from the man next door, got hooked up and flicks us an email.
97. Not fussed on Diet Coke but really like Diet Pepsi
98. My clothes take up wardrobe space in three different rooms – and that's after a recent clean out!
99. I had a wonderful upbringing with parents who encouraged good self esteem – you are a worthwhile person – not better than anyone else – but certainly as good as anyone else. I’ve tried to pass that on to my children – quite successfully I think
100. I’m pretty well aware of my faults and shortcomings but I can say that despite them I like me and I’m happy with who I am.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
On the road again
I’m still frantically busy at work and too whacked to do much at home at night so it’s another short post.
But the news is good – 1.4kg down this week. Mind you I’ve no idea what’s happening with my body at the moment. As I’ve said already I’m a daily weigher – and one day I was actually 2.4 kgs heavier than this morning – I’ve been up and down like a yoyo, so thought I’d better blog quickly in case it goes apeshit again tomorrow!
My eating has been pretty good this week – have only had alcohol on two days. One of those was Saturday and I had too much and was a very quiet puppy on Sunday! Nothing exciting – just our neighbours popped over for a glass or two which turned into a bottle or six!
Exercise has been rather ordinary – have only walked three times this week. Note to self – do better next week.
Looking forward to Friday night when both grandsons are staying overnight. Their mum and dad are going to Brisbane for the Cold Play concert. I’m taking a half day off work and will go to their place and pick them up then bring them back to us. It’ll be wonderful fun!
Sounds like No 2 son will be home in a couple of weeks – he’s currently in Thailand heading today to Vietnam and Cambodia. He’ll probably only stay in Queensland for a couple of weeks – his last email said he was looking forward to roast dinners – hint hint! – then he’ll be going back to WA as that’s where the work and the big money are. But it’ll be soo good to see him.
Hope everyone’s having a great week.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Taking the Pledge
I just don’t seem to have a minute to spare at the moment. Mind you that hasn’t transferred itself to not finding time to eat and drink what I shouldn’t!!
To clarify – have been incredibly busy at work – doing a major overhaul of some our documentation systems, collecting and collating information and documentation for a major incident investigation, rehashing our training plan for the remainder of the year and trying to bring two new team members up to speed. Hence how I come to be writing this today – a public holiday in Queensland – but it’s an ideal day when no other day workers are around to get some serious stuff done. It’s lunchtime now so I’m trying to clear my rapidly fogging brain before starting up again and thought it a good time to finally update my blog.
And on the eating front – have been pretty so-so over the last couple of weeks – not too bad – not too good –and that’s fine if I was trying to maintain but I really want to lose some more. But the weekend just gone was bloody terrible – I just went nuts! But it’s Monday and I’ve packed myself a good lunch and I’m drinking water and away we go again! I’ve been doing a bit of self analysis – the reason, I believe, for the half arsed attempts to lose over the past few weeks is that I’m feeling quite good about myself again – everything fits nicely and I can walk into a shop – select a pair of size 12 pants and know they’ll fit! So what this means is that I’ve lost the urgency to get on with it and lose those last 7 kgs. So I’m having one of those introspective talks with myself – I do want to be a few kgs lighter before I go on holiday – and that’s only just over six weeks away. I need to find that focus I had during the lead up to Easter and sustain it for the next six weeks.
So my pledge for the coming weeks (and I need to DO it not just say it) is to get out there walking again and leave the grog alone. I think 7.2kgs in 6 weeks is a bit ambitious but I think 4.5kg is possible so here goes………………
Monday, May 29, 2006
Back again
Sorry I haven’t posted recently. Last week was a bit of a write off in one way or another. I had Tuesday and Wednesday off work – generally felt pretty crappy and slept most of the two days. Then just to top it off I got an abscess on one of my teeth – still trying to work out exactly which one is causing the problem. So I’ve been on antibiotics and painkillers for that. It’s settled down again – no pain – and I’m due to see the dentist again next week – mind you I’m still not sure which one’s the problem child. Have been pretty good eating wise, pretty ordinary exercise wise and since I felt sorry for myself I’ve had a few medicinal drinks!! So nothing bad’s happened weight wise but nothing very good to report either.
TOM turned up on Sunday after a 3 month break so it will be interesting to see if that makes any difference to the way I’ve been feeling. Have also just started taking Remifemin –one of my menopausal friends recommended it to me. It’s available over the counter in the chemists and is entirely herbal. I had to check with the chemist to make sure it wouldn’t interfere with the Thyroxin I take but he’s given me the all clear. So I’m popping pills left right and centre this week. Would be interested to hear if any of you have any thoughts on Remifemin?
Thanks to everyone for their lovely comments about the photo of us going to the wedding – it does my ego no end of good to be told I look hot – especially when some of the comments come from bloggers half my age!
This is my latest acquisition. I’m one of those people who like looking at photographs but Bloss doesn’t really share this interest. I used to have photos dotted all around the place but we did some major renovations to the house last year and I haven’t put them back as I must admit I do like the uncluttered look. But I did miss my photos so having been trying to find a compromise. Got this screen in Target last weekend and got the photo mounts from The Warehouse so have had a lovely time choosing what photos to put in and the end result fits in really well the rest of the décor. Just an aside - the top right photo is Bloss and I on our wedding day on the beach at Raratonga in the Cook Islands (3 years ago this month). We did a sneaky thing and eloped without telling a single soul and then came home and 'fessed up.
And this is from Eumundi markets (we went there when we were down in Noosa)– I hadn’t seen them around here. It’s a piece of nicely polished timber with notches carved out on both sides into which you can slot terracotta pots – the lip of the pot sits in the groove, then you hang the whole thing from the ceiling. So I’ve filled them with petunia seedlings - should be quite pretty once they get going.
Hope you’re all having a good week – I’ll update my sidebar when I do a proper weigh in tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Let’s talk about the good things first – the wedding was brilliant – very relaxed, quite funny in bits and a great venue for the reception. The day started out bad for them – raining heavily – and it never rains in Queensland – or not usually enough! But it rained on Friday – all day. Half an hour before the wedding we got a call saying that instead of the ceremony being on the beach it would be on the boat – the guests were being taken for a sunset cruise between the ceremony and the reception. The boat was a top venue – kept everyone close together and more to the point – dry! The groom raised a huge laugh – the celebrant started the "Do you……?" at this point he was totally absorbed in his bride – eyes (and ears) for nothing else. So when the celebrant finished speaking there was a long pause then suddenly he came to and almost yelled “Oh I do”. Laughs all round.
Here’s a picture of Bloss and I dressed up ready to head off to the wedding. Now the eating and drinking – won’t bore you with a blow by blow account – Thursday was at work most of the day so following plan, made some reasonable food choices when we stopped for tea on the drive then had a few wines when we got to our friends place. Friday daytime was reasonable, didn’t go wild at the wedding, restrained myself when the nibblies were being circulated and tried to opt for the better choices but did have a few drinks. Saturday was Ok till lunchtime and shared in a large bowl of fries and a couple of beers, then Thai for tea – good choices and some wine. Sunday reasonably good choices all day, and home for a point counted tea and a final couple of wines. So Monday morning hop on the scales and I’m up 2.3kgs!!!! Time was when that would have thrown me completely and I would have been in the depths of depression but I’m feeling quite philosophical (see alternative spelling above!!) and have been fully back on plan again since Monday. Might add that this morning I’m only up 1.2kgs, so hopefully tomorrow will be even better. I’m still feeling really strange – no TOM still but little cramps and dragging sensation, really achy legs and pelvis so think it’s just my body gearing up to become a Wise Woman – see the last paragraph on this page “the Magic of Menopause”. On the upside I don’t feel any heavier or bloated so I’ll just keep to the plan, give away the alcohol (maybe relent a little on the weekend) and keep up the walking. Find I have to push myself to get started walking because of the achy legs but once I’m going it feels great. So I guess it’s all about management – I love the feeling of watching the scales go down but I’ve got to be here for the long haul so if it hiccoughs along the way I’ve just got to stay with it and stay focussed.
I’ve been full on since I got back so I've just had a quick squiz to catch up on how you all are – hopefully I’ll get a chance tonight to leave a few comments – that’s after I go into town and pick up our travel documents for our Penang trip. Now there’s an incentive to get my A into G!!!
Now some special mentions until I get round to commenting to you individually – congratulations to Pauline on her miracle, belated happy birthday to Lainey, Julie – hope you're enjoying your time out, Suzy enjoy your last few days in your 40s, Anne, thinking of you as you work through your emotions, and LG – how’s the running solo? Have a great week everyone.
Smile for the day " I'm not a complete idiot - some of my parts are missing!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Now the bloody wheels have fallen off!
No it’s not really that bad. I was really good up till Friday. I have to struggle with this mindset which says that on Friday after a big week at work I deserve a little drink. Ok so I lost the struggle and invited my friend S to call in after work and we had a few reds on the deck (with a couple of handfuls of nuts to aid the digestive process!) but otherwise food was OK. Saturday started well, breakfast then off to the hairdressers, then met S for lunch at the Yacht Club – made good choice of food, and had a mineral water. So far so good. On the way home stopped at B and H’s to see what they were up to that night. They already had a colleague coming round for tea but said if they could get another couple pieces of fish then we should join them. I said I’d pick up the fish and asked if I could bring sweets – no – that was organised. So I decided to take some nibblies and choccies to have with the coffee.
This is where it all started to turn pear shaped. I bought the chocolates – some Celebrations and a few Lindt balls. There were too many to fit on the little platter I had, so of course I just ate the two that were surplus. Did you know that each of these Lindt balls are TWO POINTS!! (Didn’t find that out till Sunday and of all chocolates they’re my ones to die for!). Anyway most of you could probably write the rest of the story for me – ate a few pistachios pre dinner with a couple of beers, fried crumbed fish and baked potato, cheesecake with raspberries (my very favourite), a few wines (like almost a bottle) then coffee and another two or three (probably three) of the Lindt balls.
Next day when I mentally reviewed the day I realised I’d gone over but it wasn’t till I actually sat down and added up my points for the day I found out just how bad it had been – 55.5 points!!!!! Holy hell that’s 3 days eating in one.
Anyway I’m not actually stressing about it – accepted that I did it and away we go again! I’ve been spot on again since then. But I’m a bit off health wise at the moment. Lost all my energy over the weekend and so just didn’t feel like walking – but got going again last night. As I mentioned I’m peri-menopausal – some weeks there are absolutely no symptoms – others there’s heaps. Last week was one of the heaps – fluid retention big time, haven’t had TOM for 3 months but it feels like it’s eminent and having hot flashes several times a day and many times a night. Fortunately I don’t get the red face – just sort of glisten with perspiration all over!
I’m one of those scale junkies – I weigh routinely every morning prior to getting in the shower – have done it for the last 35 years so don’t see me changing now. I’m a control freak and like to know where I’m at everyday – it’s sort of a barometer for me. Anyway the combination of Saturday’s banquet and booze and the fluid fluctuations meant that I shot up almost a kilo overnight and it has’t yet dropped back very much. However we’ll see what tomorrow brings – hopefully it’ll drop back just as quick as it came up.
Off to the wedding in Noosa this weekend – really looking forward to the break. Driving down Thursday afternoon/evening. The wedding is on the beach on Friday afternoon then we’ll spend some time with our friends we’re staying with and drive back home on Sunday.
Tonight I’m off to the beauticians – get all the bits waxed and I’m having a spray on tan – always makes you look glam and healthy.
I’ll post this tomorrow when I’ll do my official weekly weigh and update everything. Hope everyone’s well and happy and has a great week.
Almost back to normal – only 100g up today. I’m not going to make rash promises about what I eat and drink over the coming weekend but I know I’m sufficiently focused (and pissed off with what happened this week) to make the best choices possible. Sound OK??
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Foot off the pedal
Yep, I took my foot off the pedal a bit this week and the result …….up 200g. We had a long weekend here in Queensland so I partook of one or two wines over the weekend. Apart from that I didn’t do anything too naughty – however I do find that alcohol seems to play havoc with my fluid retention levels so hopefully now that I’m back on track again means that it’ll even up again pretty quickly and continue with the downhill trend.
I’ve been walking lots though – find the incentive of trying to cover 10,00 steps a day (Walking with Attitude challenge) makes me keen to walk that bit further – as you’ll see from the side bar I’ve walked 49km this week – that’s total steps not just dedicated exercise. I do walk a fair bit at work as it’s a large site and I often have to crisscross all over it to attend meetings, catch up with my team etc. I also bought one of those mini tramps which were advertised in the Kmart catalogue for $29.95. It seems quite good – it comes with a complete workout you can do. However at this stage I’m just concentrating on jogging and getting my knees up. Even although I walk a fair bit I can feel it working different leg muscles. Don’t think I’ll ever have Elle legs but a bit of firming up can only be a good thing! And of course as you can see Josh thinks it’s fantastic!
Did a bit of potting and planting on the weekend. My mum had sent us money for Christmas and I hadn’t yet spent it. I always like to try and buy something which I can look at and remember she bought us –the table and chairs on the deck were a present during a previous visit, the mini stereo from last Chirstmas etc. Anyway we wanted to buy some large glazed pots for the deck so used Mum’s money to get them and also some nice plants. Think it looks pretty good.
Thanks to everyone for their supportive comments – have been pretty full on this week so while I’ve managed a couple of quick reads, I haven’t taken time to comment – will try to do better over the next few days. Have a fantastic week everyone

Wednesday, April 26, 2006
At the Halfway Hotel

Thursday, April 20, 2006
Doin' OK

Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Two little chardonnays sitting on a bar!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Spontaneously combusting halo!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006
I'm on a roll!

Monday, March 27, 2006
Love these cool quizzes
Your Five Factor Personality Profile |
![]() |
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Feelin’ good

Friday, March 17, 2006
As I expected
Check the side bar and you'll see that my predictions in my last post were deadly accurate. Nobody but myself to blame.
However....since I posted on Monday I have been squeaky clean - no alcohol, managed to walk twice so far - sick yesterday so didn't manage and had to go and get some stuff in town on Wednesday so didn't have time then either. Planning to go tonight, and on the points front have been just under every day and feeling good - and in control. Think that's what really gets me down - I'm a bit of a control freak and I get so angry at myself when I lose control.
Bought this months Slimming and Health Mag and have listened to the free CD (Think Slim by Mark Stephens) - some very interesting thoughts there - haven't tried the hypnosis section yet - saving that for the weekend. He recommends drinking green tea - suggests one of the flavoured ones to start with like mint, so I decided to give it a go. Got the mint and the citrus flavours - really nice, refreshing and Bloss has been drinking it too. It's credited with having all sorts of health properties so it certainly won't hurt and might do some good.
Must away to work - big day today - a training team workshop of all trainers/training leaders across site. Could be very good - could be a whinge session but I think the facilitator will be good enough to ensure the former. Have a great weekend everyone, talk next week.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Severe talking to required - aka give myself an uppercut
Well I lost 400g this week - OK it's a loss but it's not what it could/should of been and even although I've been on holidays I just know inside myself that I'm arsing around - I weigh exactly the same as I did four weeks ago!
I'm soo good weekdays at work - but lately I come home and I'm tired and I don't always walk then I decide a glass of wine on the deck with Bloss would be nice .. and it is but then I have another while I'm cooking tea, then of course one with tea and well ... might as well finish the bottle. Then comes the weekend - seem to be socialising a lot and of course I feel I deserve to let up on the weekend. Well that's fine but not if I'm letting up all week too! Positives are that I'm still doing a fair job of tracking daily.
Ok - this is part two of this post - the weekend has come and gone and I'm not feeling good about weighing tomorrow and neither wonder! Had a real weekend of socialising - that dreaded alcohol again - it's bad enough but then the normal sense of restraint disappears so I have a couple of chocolates with coffee - don't normally have chocs in the house but our friends brought some nice little ones when they came for dinner and it's other things like a handful of pistachios or almonds with a glass of wine - you know the kind of thing.
So last night I'm wide awake in the middle of the night - don't have hot flushes but do get the night sweats and if I'm honest - these are much more likely to occur after having a few drinks. Anyway I'm lying there telling myself what a dope I am - and that it's high time I stopped going two steps forward and one back. So then I think - it's time to get a bit of real structure into this or I'll be attending a friend's wedding in Noosa in May (one of my sort of milestones along the way) having not lost any weight. So then I thought - Ok what's the plan and what are the realistic steps.
Right... it's that Lent time of year when people decide to go without things. So my promise to myself is - alcohol free until at least Easter weekend, try and walk at least four days out of seven and religiously track, the last bit is the easiest, the first two will require considerable effort. One month - 31 days following the above strategy and the challenge is to weigh at least 4 kgs less than tomorrow's weigh in.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Pink Cloud
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Tales of a Lost Sausage!
Alright we’ll get the bad bit over first – a gain of 0.9kg over the last two weeks. I wasn’t really bad but just a bit slack and I’m just not one of those people who can get away with it. Anyway got home late Saturday and got back on track on Sunday and trucking along nicely so far this week.
The holiday was great but not without a few dramas. Normally we’d fly direct from Brisbane to Auckland and I’d booked our flights both from home to Brisbane and Brisbane/Auckland back in September. However just before Christmas the airline contacted me to reschedule the Brisbane/Auckland flight to an earlier time. Problem with that was that it didn’t allow us enough time to connect with our flight from home, so they had to book us on a flight via Sydney. Now on that day in at Sydney International, the central baggage conveyor broke down and a replacement part had to be flown in from overseas. So it became a logistical nightmare trying to move all that luggage. Yes you’ve guessed what’s coming – we get to Auckland at 10pm at night and along with about 50 other people on our flight have no luggage. So then it’s stand in a queue, describe your luggage, give your NZ address blah blah blah . We finally got out of there around midnight. Our poor friends had been patiently waiting for us.
Trying to find out the next day what progress there had been on locating it was a real trial – on hold for anywhere between 40 minutes to an hour! We had planned to leave to go sailing with our friends on the Thursday lunchtime but delayed that by another day in the hope they’d get our stuff to us. By Friday we were no further forward and our holidays were slipping away so we shot down to the local “The Warehouse’ and bought the absolute basics – nothing too glam there! We were entitled to $100 each after 24 hours to cover emergency purchases. Anyway Bloss’s bag turned up that morning and they taxied it out to us early afternoon. But still no sign of mine. So off we went on the boat. Mine finally did turn up on the Saturday and they delivered it to our friends’ apartment. The airline would have delivered it anywhere we specified but with us being on the boat it was too much hassle to try to find a rendezvous spot.
I wear a pretty ugly uniform to work – pants, shirt with reflective stripes and safety boots so holidays are an opportunity for me to wear ‘nice’ clothes albeit very casual ones. So all the feminine readers can probably relate to how it felt with only two pairs of ¾ bike pants, 3 polo shirts, 1 sarong and bathers which were a size 12 (all they had) when my top half requires a size 14 - the cleavage was incredible!! To make matters worse for the first time ever (and we travel a lot) I didn’t take any hand luggage. Because we were going on the boat I don’t use suitcases (they take up too much room) and I had bought a large ‘sausage’ type bag which had heaps of room in it so rather than take another bag with hand luggage I put everything in the sausage thinking – we’re only going to Auckland!!! So no moisturiser, medication, perfume, deodorant, hair product etc. etc. Lesson learnt – you better believe it!! Normally I’d carry all my toiletries, a change of undies and usually a spare top. Anyway I got over it – no sense in being miserable – it’s my holiday I’d be spoiling.
Back to the holiday – once again we had absolutely peachy weather in NZ. We sailed to the Coromandel day 1, then next day headed round the other side to the Mercury Islands – a couple of nights there then over to Great Barrier for the next couple of nights then back to Waiheke then home. That was Thursday late afternoon and when we got back to the apartment my precious sausage was there. I think I wore about 3 different outfits in a day and a half just cos I could! We headed home Saturday morning – us to the International and our friends to the Domestic airport as they were flying down to Hawkes Bay for the Mission concert.
We were quite excited about coming back home as the new deck was scheduled to be finished. It looks great – the famous lights have yet to be installed although the wiring is in place and our next task will be to oil all the timber. But it was Bloss’s birthday on Monday and our friends joined us for a baptismal beverage on it before heading to the pub for tea.
Here are a couple of pictures of the famous deck - it's been a long long time in the planning stages but the end result is well worth the wait. Bloss has named it "The Corral"
Hope everyone out there is having a good week - and I intend to have better things to report next week. Thanks folks for the lovely comments about my grandchildren and also for the nice one about my profile photo - I have to confess it is a couple of years old - taken at my son's wedding in November 2002 - so a bit over 3 years ago.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Only one more sleep!
Well, my bags are packed and I’m ready to go. We fly out at 6.45 tomorrow so it’ll mean being up at 4.45 ready for a taxi to the airport at 5.30am - but I don’t care when it means I’m going somewhere nice.
Another good result with weight loss this week – 500g down. This keeps me on my plan to be at my goal by the time we go on our next holiday. Haven’t had much exercise this week – I’ve had errands etc to do just about every night when I get home from work and by the time that’s done then it’s time to organise tea and then I’m just too whacked after that. Tonight I have to call in to the optometrist to get a measurement done for the new glasses I ordered last week, then take the dog to the kennels, then home, finish packing, have a shower and wash my hair – won't have time to do my hair in the morning then we’re going to B & H’s for tea – the darlings said we should have tea with them rather than mucking about trying to cook, empty the fridge etc on our last night. Wonderful friends!
Had to rush off madly last night to get downlights for the electrician before we went away. We’re in the process of having the deck extended – this is supposed to be Bloss’s project but he’s not into planning and attention to detail like I am . So yesterday he gets a call from the builder saying that he’ll have the electrician putting the lights in while we’re away and where are the lights? So Bloss rings me – ‘Possum would you be able to get the lights when you’re in town tonight?’ A few frantic phone calls then equally frantic visits to lighting shops after work then a rapid learning curve on the merits of different types of downlight – powder coated, brushed aluminium, stainless steel – which gauge? Meantime it’s getting closer to 5pm and closing time plus I've still got other jobs to do. Went for standard gauge stainless steel – they’re going to be outside and we’re close to the beach and beside the river. Time will tell if I’ve got it right. Also wanted to catch up with my daughter in law and two grandsons before we went away - needed a granny fix! So popped round to see them for half an hour – missed son who had already left for night shift.
Here's my two darling boys! Josh is four and recently started pre school and he's just so entertaining, Curtis is 13 weeks and is just the most delightful happy placid baby you could imagine.
Well now that I've had my brag, I'm off to do the last minute things. Hope everyone has a good week - my challenge will be to report back here on or around the 28th Feb to let you know whether I'm still on plan - I really do mean to behave myself! With those words ringing in my ears......... (and may they keep on ringing!!) Hooroo!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Do you think so?
What Your Face Says |
![]() Overall, your true self is passionate and physical. With friends, you seem dramatic, lively, and quick to react. In love, you seem mysterious and interesting. In stressful situations, you seem cheerful and optimistic. |
Tub of Marg

Thursday, February 02, 2006
Little bites of the big elephant!
Well another loss this week – 400g. As the title says it’s just little bites at the big elephant, but I just have to project myself to the cumulative effect over time – so far that’s 1.5kgs in three weeks but if I maintain that average I’ll be where I want to be by around mid July. We’re planning this year’s overseas trip at the moment – think it’ll probably by Malaysia – Penang or Kuala Lumpur or maybe even a combination of both. Likely dates of this trip are around end of July or early August – so that gives me a definite something to aim for – and I always seem to do better when I’ve got a milestone in sight. Food wise I’ve had quite a good week – once again it’s the alcohol I have to watch. Only had vino on Friday and Saturday but rather a lot of it! However I had saved a good few points during the week, managed to exercise most days so the damage was contained! Had some friends round for dinner on Saturday and warned them that all the food would be WW. We had beef burgundy – served with potatoes rather than rice (less points), Rather yummy for about 4.5 points a serve. For desserts I made a concoction with raspberries and brandy and chocolate soaked sponge fingers, sour cream, ricotta cheese, and icing sugar. It tasted wicked – not that low in points – 4.5 also but infinitely better than a large piece of cheesecake with whipped cream!! Anyway the consensus was that WW food was good!!
Whilst ‘in our cups’ we hatched a grand plan that we would walk to the little restaurant down by the river for breakfast the next morning. That didn’t seem such a good idea at 8am the next morning! However we got our a’s into gear and actually enjoyed the half hour walk along the riverbank. I was soooo strong when we got there – everyone else had bacon eggs and toast – 2 slices of toast and butter , masses of fried bacon and two fried eggs. What did the good girl have? - raisin toast and coffee and I only ate one slice of the two I was served. Polish my halo! Trouble was that by mid afternoon I had a real savoury/salt attack – needed to have something savour and salty to nibble so ate my way through most of a packet of Arnotts bacon and cheese crackers. So of course then tea had to be a non event since I had no points left!
I’m having a lot of trouble walking this week – still got lots of aching joints and just general fatigue - it's all such an effort - and I'm not usually like that. I'm one of those leap out of bed people who's just so full of beans it makes you want to puke! Anyway went to the doc’s last Friday for results of tests – everything spot on. I suppose that’s good news but I’m left wondering why I feel like shit! Think it might just be a delayed reaction from being so full on over the festive season and having almost six weeks of non stop visitors staying. Anyway in 13 days we’re winging our way to NZ to spend 10 days sailing around the Bay of Islands with our friends who have a huge luxury launch. So that should go a long way towards recharging the batteries. Fortunately D is an inveterate weight watcher too – so there’s no need for me to go off the rails. If I do it will be my own stupid fault. However I’m feeling really focussed and aiming for the long term goal – as above, so I’m not of a mind to cut loose for 10 days while on the boat. The problem once again will be alcohol - I just adore those NZ sauvignon blancs.
Going to the beauticians on Saturday morning for a micro current facial. Have had microdermabrasion – which was quite good so now want to try micro current which is a relatively new procedure at my beauty salon but which S, my beautician thinks I might enjoy – so will give that a try. I have a voucher from my son so it’s a bit of free pampering – always a pleasant sensation!
Enjoy your week.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Smiley face
Well, I did it - managed to stay pretty focussed on healthy eating for the week despite having visitors for 3 days - and of course hospitality and socialising and alcohol go hand in hand. But I 've counted every point and finished off the week breaking even. Well you ask - what did the scales say - 1kg down on Monday morning. Didn't that put a smile on my face. So 1.1kgs in 2 weeks - not exactly falling off me but moving in the right direction. Have also been trying to walk as often as possible - managed to walk five days out of seven last week. Three more weigh ins before I go to NZ - would really like to have 4kgs off in total by then - but even 3 would be good. Had hoped this week would be easier to stay off alcohol - not that I want to cut if out completely but I'm trying to stay off on 'school nights' and just have a few on the weekend. But.... came home from the beautician's last night and Bloss tells me that we're having tea with B & H tonight - we get on so well and they drink just as much as us! Thinking I'll try and just have Diet Pepsi till we have dinner then have a couple of glasses of wine. Then another night out on Friday night - one of my guys is leaving so we're having a team get together to farewell him at a local restaurant. Oh well I'll just have to manage it. Guess what's different these days with watching my weight is that I'm trying to manage it within my 'normal' lifestyle. Can't see the point of going on the wagon till I lose what I want then turning on the tap again - I'll just be back to where I started in no time. So as they say it's all about moderation and making the right choices!! Stay with the fish and chicken and get the sauce/dressing served on the side. Talk soon.
Why doesn't this surprise me!
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Don't you hate it when.....
You've been so good all week - counted the points value for every single thing you've put in your mouth and mid week the scales are rattling down......then.... Monday morning - the weigh in - and what's this you're back up - only lost 100g!!!!! I was sooo disappointed. However I haven't dropped my bundle I've kept my head down bum up and tracked every thing so far this week. I blame these strange happenings on the fact that for the first four days I had no alcohol but then we had visitors and... and.... and. I did count all the points but I reckon alcohol stuffs up your fluid disposal system. So no alcohol so far this week. Not sure how I'll go on the weekend as we've three friends coming to stay and lots of talking to do which will probably be accompanied by lots of chardonnay. Have also been good with exercise - have walked the last three nights even although I'm feeling really achy and sore. I suppose that might be part of the minimal weight loss problem - my thyroid appears to be playing up again - went for blood test again yesterday so will see what eventuates from that. It may be that my medication dosage needs upped again. OK tomorrow is another day - and I'm going to make it a good one!
Saturday, January 14, 2006
It's been a long time
Well it's nearly 12 months since I last posted here. Life has been busy - life has been good. And the weight you ask?....... it's almost exactly the same as last time. I guess that's a positive - at least I haven't gained but then neither have I lost. Anyway I'm refocused and going to do big things in 2006. I'm off to NZ in about 4 weeks so planning to shift at least 3kgs before then. Just thought I'd post this to see if I remembered what to do. More anon.
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