LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Now the bloody wheels have fallen off!

No it’s not really that bad. I was really good up till Friday. I have to struggle with this mindset which says that on Friday after a big week at work I deserve a little drink. Ok so I lost the struggle and invited my friend S to call in after work and we had a few reds on the deck (with a couple of handfuls of nuts to aid the digestive process!) but otherwise food was OK. Saturday started well, breakfast then off to the hairdressers, then met S for lunch at the Yacht Club – made good choice of food, and had a mineral water. So far so good. On the way home stopped at B and H’s to see what they were up to that night. They already had a colleague coming round for tea but said if they could get another couple pieces of fish then we should join them. I said I’d pick up the fish and asked if I could bring sweets – no – that was organised. So I decided to take some nibblies and choccies to have with the coffee. This is where it all started to turn pear shaped. I bought the chocolates – some Celebrations and a few Lindt balls. There were too many to fit on the little platter I had, so of course I just ate the two that were surplus. Did you know that each of these Lindt balls are TWO POINTS!! (Didn’t find that out till Sunday and of all chocolates they’re my ones to die for!). Anyway most of you could probably write the rest of the story for me – ate a few pistachios pre dinner with a couple of beers, fried crumbed fish and baked potato, cheesecake with raspberries (my very favourite), a few wines (like almost a bottle) then coffee and another two or three (probably three) of the Lindt balls. Next day when I mentally reviewed the day I realised I’d gone over but it wasn’t till I actually sat down and added up my points for the day I found out just how bad it had been – 55.5 points!!!!! Holy hell that’s 3 days eating in one. Anyway I’m not actually stressing about it – accepted that I did it and away we go again! I’ve been spot on again since then. But I’m a bit off health wise at the moment. Lost all my energy over the weekend and so just didn’t feel like walking – but got going again last night. As I mentioned I’m peri-menopausal – some weeks there are absolutely no symptoms – others there’s heaps. Last week was one of the heaps – fluid retention big time, haven’t had TOM for 3 months but it feels like it’s eminent and having hot flashes several times a day and many times a night. Fortunately I don’t get the red face – just sort of glisten with perspiration all over! I’m one of those scale junkies – I weigh routinely every morning prior to getting in the shower – have done it for the last 35 years so don’t see me changing now. I’m a control freak and like to know where I’m at everyday – it’s sort of a barometer for me. Anyway the combination of Saturday’s banquet and booze and the fluid fluctuations meant that I shot up almost a kilo overnight and it has’t yet dropped back very much. However we’ll see what tomorrow brings – hopefully it’ll drop back just as quick as it came up. Off to the wedding in Noosa this weekend – really looking forward to the break. Driving down Thursday afternoon/evening. The wedding is on the beach on Friday afternoon then we’ll spend some time with our friends we’re staying with and drive back home on Sunday. Tonight I’m off to the beauticians – get all the bits waxed and I’m having a spray on tan – always makes you look glam and healthy. I’ll post this tomorrow when I’ll do my official weekly weigh and update everything. Hope everyone’s well and happy and has a great week. STOP PRESS Almost back to normal – only 100g up today. I’m not going to make rash promises about what I eat and drink over the coming weekend but I know I’m sufficiently focused (and pissed off with what happened this week) to make the best choices possible. Sound OK??


Suzy said...

Wedding at Noosa sounds wonderful! Hope you have a great time there and are still able to make some good food choices.
The peri-menopausal symptoms are so annoying aren't they. Luckily my hot flushes seem to come later at night and not during the day.
I too check the scales each morning. That way things don't get too out of control before getting back on track.

Jay said...

Everyone falls off the wagon once in a while, but the point is,you're back on.

I'm a little woozy to read about the points for those chocolates though - they're a favourite of mine as well.

Anne said...

Have a great weekend at the wedding.

You have picked yourself up once more and are on top again:) Good luck with the eating/drinking at the wedding. The social situations are my downfall!!

Esther said...

NO I did not know how much those little lindt balls were in points... (I dont do WW's, but I have some understanding that 2 points for a teeny tiny ball is rather dangerous) However I am erasing that fact from my memory, as i have fallen in love with the dark cholcolate balls... We all fall of the wagon! But thats life, isnt it? The point is, you got back on the wagon and kept on truckin...

Have a wonderful mothers day!

Est x