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Thursday, October 01, 2009

A Peep at Poland

Sorry peoples, there were quite a few hotels where we didn't have free internet access plus the pace of the tour was quite hectic and I've been just too busy enjoying myself!
We're now at my Mums in Scotland and just chilling out and catching up with family and friends. The next event for me is a Bloggers Meeting tomorrow night with Shauna of Dietgirl fame and Isabelle from In this Life so I'm really looking forward to that.
Eating has been diabolical - reckon I gained at least 3kgs in Europe and Mum's cooking isn't helping! However I'm going to worry about that when I get back.
So no time to give you any sort of a story but at least here's some photos of Poland. We visited the town of Poznan, then on to Warsaw then from there to Krakow via Auschwitz - which wasn't exactly a pleasant experience but I think more of a moral obligation - something I had to do and was left with a terrible feeling of sadness that humans can commit such atrocities.
Me in the square at Poznan
The square in Poznan
Polish Countryside
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The monastery at Jesna Gora - home of the Black Madonna
Wawel Castle in Krakow
And again with me in the foreground
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A Street scene in Warsaw
This was the entrance to a shop
An interesting street sculpture
A little restaurant
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The town square in Krakow
Statue of Chopin in Warsaw
The old town square in Warsaw
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So at this point I think my favourite city was Krakow - not to say that I haven't enjoyed each one The fact that Warsaw was 80 per cent flattened during the war and has been completely rebuilt maintaining the same look using old pictures, photos and plans is a huge testament to the resilience of the people of that city. Krakow on the other hand didn't suffer damage during the war and maybe because of that just seems a brighter more lighthearted city.
OK must away - will try and get back in a couple of days with some pictures of Hungary and Vienna.
Love Z xx


Shauna said...

Gorrrrrrrrrrgeous photos! :)
I hope your blog is still on Oz time and we are meeting tonight (Thursday)... cannae wait hen :)

Anne said...

I enjoyed the "peep" of Poland:-)

Enjoy the rest of your trip and also the meet up with the other bloggers!