LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Friday, January 09, 2009

Question 5

How did you meet Bloss and what was the moment you knew you were in love with him? I’d just started with the company I’m with now and he was in the same team. I was still married but had been unhappy for a long time and knew that I had to move on. Anyway this was a friendly team and several of us used to go to the pub for a drink on a Friday after work and we always got on really well but I didn’t ‘fancy’ him as such – just thought what a fun guy he was and how well I related to him. A few months later things came to a head with my marriage and we split up but I was still living in the house until I could find a unit.(meanwhile my ex worked away and was only home one or two days a week). Bloss was incredibly supportive throughout this time and I guess I started to see him in a different light. It all changed one weekend when my ex was going to be home for the long weekend and it was going to be a huge strain all being in the house at the same time. Bloss suggested that he take me away somewhere for the weekend. He actually booked a two bedroomed room as he wasn’t quite sure whether I was ready for anything else. But I was!! Anyway I found a unit and moved in. Bloss and I continued to see each other – but didn’t let on to our workmates for a while. We used to float between his house and mine then he went to France for 2 months for work. He phoned almost every day and I wrote long rambling letters to him. I guess around this time I realised how much I liked having him in my life. After about 14months we decided that I’d move in with him and give up my unit. Then in 2003 after having been together for 7 years we eloped to Raratonga in the Cook Islands. So there you have it. Don’t think there was a defining moment when I knew I was in love with him – it was just a gradual building of the relationship. I guess I think one of the good things is that we were friends first and had lots of things in common and it developed from there. We have had and can still have some major rows – something that never happened in my first marriage but I think overall it’s good that we do – he stands up to me and doesn’t let me have my own way all the time – something that needs to happen to me as I’m a bossy little dame. But we share a love of people – socialising and meeting new people. We discovered a mutual love of travel and that gives us huge pleasure. And if you’re interested in astrology – he’s a Pisces and I’m a Virgo – opposite sides of the zodiac but supposedly an excellent match – and I’m going to enjoy growing old with him I think – although have warned him not to turn into one of those grumpy old men!! So thats all five questions answered - thanks Lainey - I enjoyed doing this. If anyone would like me to pose them 5 questions flick me an email (its on my profile). Take care Z xx


Heli gunner Tom said...

I had a chance to visit Oz while in the Army in Vietnam: 68-70, but I ended up going to Bangkok twice and Japan on R and R instead. Maybe I was afraid that I would strike out with the ladies in Oz... goofy guy that i am.. lol


Anne said...

Loved reading that post. Meant to be:-)

Lainey said...

I've gone all warm and fuzzy inside.

maria said...

Anni, I've just come to catch-up with you and I see there's a whole bunch of interesting questions and answers! I will go for a walk now but wanted to let you know I'll be back.. I look forward to reading your answers :)

maria said...

Thanks for sharing your love story :) So you're a bossy little dame are you? ;)