LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Monday, May 28, 2007

Nearly human again

I think I'm finally on the way to feeling like a normal person again. I've had a horrible week. For those of you who are sensitive or dislike hearing about illness skip this para - it's probably TMI but don't know how to tell what's been happening otherwise. When I last posted last Monday I was feeling like everything was improving and it continued to do so Tuesday although I was still far from right. I went back to work on Wednesday and managed to get through the day without too much drama but then Wednesday night had a relapse - back to uncontrollable diarrhea and violent stomach cramps again. So went to doctor on Thursday - he was a bit of a dropkick (couldn't get in to my usual guy) and just told me to keep taking Immodium and come back if there was any sign of blood!!! He finally decided I should get a specimen checked then asked if I wanted him to examine my tummy!!!! He then told me that he could hear my bowel working - wow - I could have told him that was the one part of my anatomy which seemed to be working overtime!! Anyway the rest of Thursday was increasingly miserable adding the shivers, further cramps and a headache to the story. Friday more of the same then Friday night had a bout of gastric reflux (something I haven't had for over 5 years) - think my poor tummy had just about given up the ghost by this stage. Funny story here - I was wondering what I could take to relieve the pain and had my laptop there so googled it. One suggestion was a banana which I also knew from other searches wouldn't fire up the diarrhea so at midnight I'm sitting up hugging my tummy and nibbling a banana!! I think it did help. Anyway I ended up spending most of Friday night upright in the chair in the lounge room. Saturday morning I had a hairdressing appointment which I really wanted to keep. By this time the loo trips had definitely decreased in frequency but I was still having violent spasms of abdominal pain. My friend S called me at the hairdresser and I filled her in on the story. She's a nurse and was the one who insisted I go to the doctor's on Thursday. Anyway shortly after that she turned up in the hairdresser having had a consultation with the chemist, with a packet of Buscopan and told me to get started on them straight away and leave the Immodium for now unless the need becomes vital. Well what a difference that's made to the way I feel. Insides still not functioning exactly the way they should but heaps better, and if I delay taking the Buscopan I get the cramps back but hopefully that will settle down really soon now. I'm heading off to work now and we'll see how I go. Back anon. Back again. So reviewing this week and considering what went in and what came out I feel like I should have lost about 5kgs and I've definitely lost inches. However the scales actually say 800g so that's me back to pre holiday plus another 100g down . Food wise I haven't eaten very much at all, managed to keep the water up but probably still not enough, and steps, gym, running and tracking haven't been a consideration. Must say that I wore my pedometer on holiday and Bloss and I managed to rack up 90,000 steps over 8 days so that was pretty good. I didn't make it to the gym in HK so need to work out where I'm going to pick up the C25K programme again. My plan for the week ahead is to start walking tomorrow morning again - assuming I continue to improve. I'll just walk this week and if I'm properly well then I'll get back into fitness next Monday. I've already got my pedometer on today so will start trying to get the steps going. There's still lots of things I have to avoid eating so will just try and muddle through this week - got to stay away from too much fresh fruit and vegies and all dairy - so there goes most of my snacks. So really not a lot to tell you about this week as I've spent the greatest part of it either in bed or in the loo! And my poor dog is feeling very deprived as she's had no exercise. 11 weeks till we go on our next trip and I have 7.3kgs to lose - that's an average of 650g per week - a bit higher than I usually can manage, but I'm going to have a shot at it. Wish me luck! I've been reading all your blogs this week but haven't managed to get up enough energy to comment on very many. I promise to try and do better in the week ahead. Have a great one everybody. Just a little add on about all my HK buys and what sort of price things were since a few of you have been wondering. The 4 pairs of shoes in the picture cost the equivalent of less than A$50 for all four. My jeans were A$15, Bloss's dress shirts about A$10 each, his tailor made jacket about A$200, my jacket A$30, kids undies - 12 pairs for A$7.50, sunglasses about A $6/7 pair, my tops all between A$10 and 20, laptop bag A$12, handbags between A$8 and $15 Our oil painting (I'll post a picture once its stretched and on the wall) $A45. Also picked up some gorgeous necklaces for about A$3 each - you can see one of them in the photo where I'm looking relaxed in the Harbour Club (ie had a few!)


Julie's Journey said...

Keeping my fingers crossed that you are on the mend. Take it slowly getting back in the swing of things exercise-wise. Good luck with your weight loss plans pre next holidays (how lucky are you).
Look after youself

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Omg... thats sounds like a terrible week...
I hate getting sick...
I suffer from gastirc reflux among other gastro type illnesses.. and it is soooo hard to find anything that helps..
I have a pharmisist that makes me a concoction of Chamomile and peppermint oil... and take that with water... ie 4 mls I think in 1/4 glass of water and it settles quite quickly...
the last lot of stuff she made for me had 25ml peppermint, 25ml chammimille, 25ml st marys th, 25ml baberry... all mixed together in a bottle and I take 4ml of that 3 times a day in water when i am unwell with the reflux etc...
Maybe try and find a pharmasits that is into some alternate medicine.. I seriously have tried everything on the market for my belly.. and havent looked back since finding these disgusting tasting concoctions...(yup..absolutely vile but oh so good!) Hope you are feeling 100% real soon...

Lyn said...

wow what a horrible week!! Hope youre on your way back to health again. I noticed you'd been quiet.

Chris H said...

All that pooping and you only lost .800gms! sooo not fair! You poor bugger! At least you were not vomitting too, or were you, did I miss that? And just where are you off to in 11 weeks??? Need someone to carry your bags? boo hoo. I won't be going anywhere for ages now. Hope you are really on the road to recovery now, and feeling a lot better.

Anne said...

Sounds like the week from hell! You poor woman! Pleased though to hear you are gradually coming right.

Best of luck with your holiday goal:-)

Anonymous said...

Oh you poor thing!!!! Hmmmmmmmmm.....methinks you picked up a bug in Hong Kong.

Gee those prices are not bad at all - I was lead to believe Hong Kong was an expensive place to visit!!!!

Christine said...

Hope you're feeling better real soon! Thanks for stopping by my blog - very much appreciated. :) Take care of yourself.

Sienna said...

You poor baby, your bottom must have been so raw and sore! Hope you had some paw paw cream handy to put on it. Make sure you get stuck into those electrolytes. Glad you are feeling better.

Anonymous said...

oh baby! glad to see you feeling yourself again!

Christine (Australia) said...

Hope you're feeling much better now - what a hell of a week!
I had to go back and look at the pic of all of your great bargains again after seeing how cheap they all were.. Wow - very impressive!!
Loving the new look of the blog too!
Have a great week..

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Love the new look of your blog... and the heading,... hahahaha