LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Monday, March 05, 2007

Milestone No 2

As you can see from my sidebar I've created as many targets as I possibly can. Since I tend to lose slow and steady - no really spectacularly big losses - I find it helps to keep me focussed if I have little milestones along the way. So this week I achieved the 5kg lost goal - a loss of 600g this week.

It's been a real crazy week for me - have had so much on - but what makes me happy is that I sailed through all the visitors, meals out etc. without really thinking about it - just making good choices. Like we all know - it's that head space thing - when it's right it's all so straightforward. Wondering if a bolt through the back of my neck would ensure it stays in the right space!!!

Reviewing the week :
Alcohol - none
Points -spot on
Tracking - almost a habit
Water - at least 2 litres each day
Walking - twice - hopeless - too many demands on my time this week
Steps - 44,000 - that's only averaging 6,300 per day. Part of this was due to the above and partly that there were two days and a night when I was wearing clothes which wouldn't hide my pedometer and I didn't really want to flaunt it for all the world to see.

Bloss and I at dinner the other night - note glass of 'white champagne' in front of me and no dessert!! Did have one teaspoon of Bloss's citrus tart - yummy...

As I think I told you last week we went out for dinner on Monday night for Bloss's birthday. Tuesday was catch up with food shopping, bill paying, picking up X ray etc. Knowing I had all this running around to do I suggested to Bloss that I pick up pizza in town for his tea and I'd just have a WW meal. Anyway came out of Woolies, called the pizza place and since I had a docket with a good deal for 3, I ordered 3 (thinking I could freeze the others and they'd do for lunches for Bloss from time to time). I then packed the shopping in the car, popped into see the owner at the beauticians to show her what a good job she'd made of my spray tan, then raced round to the doctors to drop off my spinal X ray which I'd picked up earlier. Then I headed home - about 20 kms from town. It was as I was turning off at the last roundabout - 5 kms from home - that I remember the pizzas. Buggar!!! So instead of gooey pizzas, poor Bloss had a much healthier alternative - WW lasagne!!!

Wednesday we had the friend (from the birthday party who I hadn't seen for 35 years) and her husband come and stay overnight. Thursday night a friend of Bloss's was in town with his latest lady friend and wanted us to join them for dinner at a local restaurant. Friday was a big day at work, one of my team had their 10 year anniversary with the company so took her to lunch at the canteen - not my favourite place - you have to really work hard to find something healthy! - but I managed to find grilled fish and salad (not the caesar or the coleslaw) just the basic vegies.
I was so tired after all these late nights I was in bed by 8.30pm! Saturday was hairdressers again - the dreaded regrowth, then off for my echo cardiograph - an interesting experience and I won't know the results for a couple of weeks. The rest of the weekend was quite peaceful - girlfriend round for drinks before going to a party locally, the kids (No 1 son and family) here for tea last night.

My two glorious grandsons

Have had a couple of new commenters lately - so good. I get such a buzz from each and every comment One of them is Livy who is a brand new member of the blogging fraternity - so if you've got a spare minute, nip in and say 'Hi' - I know what a huge support you've all given me as I travel along the path of weightloss and healthy lifestyle.

On a slightly different but similar note I recently installed a stats counter - you can see the logo on the side - and it's fascinating. It shows me the ISP and town and country of each visitor and if applicable which site referred them. I currently have had visitors from Canada, USA, Finland, China, England, Dubai, and of course lots from NZ and Oz. It's so exciting to get up in the morning and see that during the night you've had visitors from all these far flung places. But hey you guys - I'd love it if you were to drop by and say hello.

OK - things to do - have a great week everybody and be gentle but firm with yourself.

Accept everything about yourself -- I mean everything, You are you and that is the beginning and the end -- no apologies, no regrets ~ Clark Moustakas


PersistentGirl said...

Congratulations, you are on a roll - you've been really consistent ever since you started.Well done!

Anne said...

OK - I'm saying hello! Well done on your week. Keep up your great work. Inspiring how you are keeping to your goals:)

Love the photo of the grandsons - cute!! Also great photo of the pair of you - you are looking wonderful!

Chris H said...

I think breaking our "main" goal down into smaller ones is a bloody great idea. I certainly did the same thing, and I gave myself wee rewards when I reached a mini goal too. It's easier to say "I am going to lose 5kg" and do it than say "I am going to lose 60 kgs" and set yourself up for failure. Your grandsons look really cute... ahh boys....

molly said...

Hi Zanna! Just peeking in ---I've been by before. Sounds like things are going well for you. Great job on the weight loss. Bet you feel better!

Pam said...

Well done, Zanna, you're doing so well. (Unlike me...) And your grandsons are so sweet. And you're a lot younger than I am, and I have no grandchildren yet. It's all so unfair!!!!

Suzy said...

Well done on surviving such a busy week so well!
Belated Happy Birthday to Bloss. You both look well and happy. Aren't grandchildren just the BEST!! Your little boys are very cute.

Christine (Australia) said...

Hi Zanna, congratulations on your 5kg loss, that's fantastic! You are going so well and having fun at the same time, which makes it even more rewarding! Well done! Keep up the great effort..

lg said...

Well done Zanna on reaching that goal - great work considering your busy life!

Fingers and toes crossed that all is well for your results!

jen said...

What a busy week you have had...and been sooooo good too...well done!!

Love the photo of your grandies...and the one of you and Bloss...looking good girl!!

Jen xx

Lee-Anne said...

I've just dropped by and I'm saying hello.

Congratulations on your 5kg loss.
I'm setting myself mini goals to help keep me motivated and on track too.

Jay said...

Your grandsons are as lovely as you are.
And what good results you've been having - you're really staying on track, good for you!

maria said...

You have been zig-zagging haven't you Zanna? I want to say a hearty 'well done' with your positive choices and 5kg loss!!! I'm coming to grips with the positive choices-thing..and realise they DO make a difference. I have to get me one of those stats counters! Thanks for sharing and always a pleasure to check out your progress and catch-up. Cute grandsons!