LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Monday, March 19, 2007

Gone Bananas

Well I can't say that this has been the best of weeks as far as healthy lifestyle and eating are concerned but overall it wasn't too bad and another loss of 300g taking me to 6kg in total. I certainly feel and see the difference in my clothes. A quick review of the week then I'll explain the title. Points - bang on up till the weekend then probably a bit flaky but probably still came in on target for the week. It was such a full on weekend that while I made best choices I didn't really have time to add them up and make sure that I was within my limits every day. But on reflection it was heartwarming to discover that I wasn't far off the mark. Tracking - as above really - good up till the weekend and then wasn't home to complete my tracker over the weekend Walking - absolutely abysmal - had an incredibly busy week and only managed one walk Water - this is probably the only really good tick this week Steps - stopped wearing my pedometer from Friday afternoon as it didn't sit well with my weekend outfits but had clocked 39,000 up til then - about 7,500 a day Alcohol - and despite being Ms Social Butterfly for the weekend I still didn't have any alcohol Now the reference to bananas. I got home yesterday around lunchtime from all my gadding about. I had armed myself with library books and DVDs ready to have a bit of a blobby afternoon as I was pretty tired. But I got the munchies! I recognised that it was just that and not real hunger but they wouldn't leave me alone so I had some fruit, then some crunchy combo sprouts..... love them, then some crackers and salsa. At this point I really should have gone for a walk but it was mid afternoon and still very hot and I was so tired.... excuses.... excuses. Anyway then I remembered that Bloss had some 'bananas' (the lollies) in a jar so I ended up having about a dozen or fifteen of them (actually not that bad - probably only about 4 points worth) but it meant that tea had to consist of a large plate of vegies and nothing else. That will teach me. Well while Bloss has been roaming round the country - has been as far as Wyndham on the WA coast and currently in Darwin, I have had such a busy week. Had visions of coming home to a nice quiet empty house every day after work and just floating around pleasing myself. but it just didn't turn out like that. Monday night the kids came for tea - we had a BBQ and I told No1 son he was cooking - he's happy with that. Tuesday was the physio and a catch up with my friend. Wednesday had to take the car in for the service, Thursday pick up the car and the physio again. Friday night S and I went out for dinner at a nice local restaurant (very reasonable as we had a voucher for reduced costs through our work social club) then we headed out to one of the local service clubs and caught up with some people we hadn't seen for ages and generally boogied on the dance floor, and had lots of fun and laughs. Particularly with an old friend who walked in past us without seeing us. I then SMSd him asking where he was tonight. He didn't notice the SMS arriving so then I called him but rung off before he answered so he'd see the message. He suffers the same problem as most of us in and around our age group - the old eyes ain't what they used to be so he couldn't see us and was having huge trouble trying to read my SMSs. So he disappears into the gents (better light in there) but every time the door opened we could see him holding his phone to the light trying to read the message and then phones me (which I don't answer so he leaves about 3 voice mails). Anyway he finally emerges back to the bar and SMSs back asking me to call him - I reply why doesn't he just come over and talk to me. Of course S and I are watching all this from a distance, by this time absolutely helpless with giggles and I have tears streaming down my face. Anyway he finally spotted us and called us all sorts of names for leading him on like that. But it was hilarious to watch and he saw the funny side of it. I stayed in town at S's on Friday night so on Saturday morning we did a spot of shopping then had lunch then I came home for a couple of hours, fed the dog, did the washing then got ready to go out again. Back into S's then off to another club for Chinese for tea, checked out the Irish pub which was full of kids so ended up back at the same club as the night before where yet another good band was playing. I stayed at S's again Saturday night then Sunday morning we visited the local monthly markets then I headed home again. And that's where the bananas came in. The no alcohol thing was great on the weekend - we normally would have been taking cabs to all these places - lots of money and lots of waiting- but instead took my car and just went where we wanted whenever we felt like it. And the bottom line is that I'm as silly as a wheel anyway so don't really need the alcohol to enjoy myself. All right - must go and be productive. Have a good week everyone. I'm going to try and get some more walking in this week and see if I can have another couple of good losses before Easter. "Life's too short just to exist. Do something!" - Anthony Candel


Anne said...

Very impressive how well you are going!!

Sounds like you had a fun filled weekend:)

Chris H said...

And I thought you were going to say you had been eating lots of real banana's! Oh well, I hope you loved eating them, they are yum! And what a great trick to play on your mate with the phone messages!

jen said...

ahhhhhhhh banana's ....I love them!!

What a great weekend you've had...sounded so much fun!! Thanx for sharing,


Gabby said...

Wow Zanna you are doing so well! Those losses are adding up to a great result. Don't you just love it when you can feel the difference in your clothes!

Sounds like you had a grat weekend.


Pam said...

I have no idea what those bananas are but I love your simile "silly as a wheel". You're doing well!

Jay said...

That sounds great overall - and I think that sometimes, if we are a little less diligent about exercise, we make up in other areas, such as treating ourselves to a little rest and relaxation, which is important for mental health. I like to think of the big picture, and if you make a couple of trade-offs during the week, so long as you're happy with yourself by the end, then you're doing a good job.

Briony said...

Wow, you are a champion, I can't believe how long you've gone without a drink. Well done on such great losses, you sure are getting close to your goal. You'll be down to single figures soon!

molly said...

Sounds like you need the week at work to slow down the pace a little!

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Wow..10 weeks without alcohol..well done!!!
Oh Hello... I am Nannette..;o)
Just popped by from Leighannes blog...
Love your quote...
"The only thing in this world that is instant is coffee." - David Parkin
oh so true....