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Monday, July 05, 2010

Tonight's the Night!!!

Well it's finally here - I'm uber excited and having the loveliest day just finalising all my bits and pieces.  I've washed my hair, painted my toenails and redone my fingernails so far this morning.  There's only me home and it was quite cool this morning so had the heater on for a while and the house is now nice and warm so I'm just getting around in my undies.  However I will have to get dressed shortly and nip into town - I need to exchange a pair of shoes I bought as there seems to something rattling around in the heel so I have an additional clip when I clip clop around in them!

Apart from that I think everything else is just about organised.  My case is nearly ready to close - just a couple of last minute toiletries to add. I've also been to Shaz's and got a few things of hers to put in my case - she's taking lots of supplies to her daughter and was running out of room and I had heaps - hence the hike-lite bed thingie in the top of it in the picture below.

Bags are packed and just about ready to go!

Out for dinner with friends on Saturday night - Bloss and I

Deb, Bloss and I

A group hug for me since I won't see them again till I get back.

So leaving here around 5pm tonight, pick  up Shaz and head to the airport for the flight at 7pm - we then have from 8 till 2.30am in Brisbane before our flight to Dubai, but we'll check our luggage right through and I think one of Sharon's sons who lives in Brisbane is going to take us back to their place for a couple of hours - and of course Shaz (like me) never misses an opportunity to see her grandchildren.  That will just set her up nicely for her holiday.  I saw my guys last night and they'll be at the local airport tonight again so we'll both have had our 'fix'.

Now off to leave lots of little notes round the place for Bloss - one to remind him of all the things he needs to do and two to stop him feeling lonely!!

With a bit of luck you'll hear from me again in Dubai.

Take care possums
Love Zxx


Margaret said...

Bon voyage, safe travels, and most of all, enjoy it all!!!!

Lonicera said...

Have a luuuuuurvly time Zanna!! I had to laugh at the last minute toenail painting. I'm getting to know you! Look forward to hearing what you think of Dubai.

jen said...

Cheerio....take care, have a wonderful time, looking forward to hearing from you in Dubai xx

Chris H said...

I hope you have the most wonderful time mate.