LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Friday, May 14, 2010

So Busy

Life seems to have taken off with a capital T these past couple of weeks - work is absolutely crazy - one of our team has resigned and moved to Brisbane so until someone else is recruited we've shared her work between us, so I feel like I've got about ten different things on the go and I'm doing none of them properly - very frustrating for a Virgo who's a perfectionist!! But the days are flying by and it's almost less than 50 days till we're off.

Our social life has been pretty busy too lately - not that I'm complaining about that - we went to the Hotel California - Eagles Experience with friends last Friday night after having dinner and it was bloody awesome - we had a great night - came out of there and heard some good music from another bar in town so went there for a nightcap and didn't get home till 12.30am! But no headaches for me as I was the driver! Sunday morning was the Mothers Day Classic so we walked in that then the 6 of us headed to a nearby park by the beach to have a BBQ breakfast with a bit of champagne and orange juice. Came home to a beautiful bouquet of flowers which had been delivered from Clive, got a call from Grant, then later a call from Clive and then at night we went out for tea with Tiff and the Boys - all in all a delightful day and one of those where you count your blessings and think how lucky you are to have such a loving and lovely family.

Found a little dog playing chicken with the cars on the way home from breakfast so rescued her - rang around all the usual spots to see if she'd been reported missing but pretty difficult on a Sunday. Then went for a drive round the local streets and spotted a vehicle cruising kind of slowly and yes - it was Mum and the kids out searching for their dog. So happy endings all round. Zanna wasn't too impressed with this little usurper who jumped up on the chairs - something she's most definitely not allowed to do and in fact wouldn't even think of.

Weightwise I've still been pretty well on track but it's just bobbing around at the moment - haven't had too much exercise this week so might try and crank that up next week to get things moving again.  But I did reach my 10 per cent loss on Saturday so that was a nice milestone - mind you since then it's been up and down as much as 500g.

And now a few photos

Bloss and I at dinner on Friday night
The 6 of us ready for the off at the MDC on Sunday
The pink line to mark the turning point if you were walking 4kms
Bloss and I at the BBQ spot
Yummy BBQ and pretty healthy too - if you left the sausages alone - and I did.
This was the little lady we found 

Curtis posing when we were out for dinner
Tiff and Josh
Curtis is a real little smoocher - Granny and him having a kiss
Bloss and Curtis puckering up

We're off to the races tomorrow so looking forward to that and then Clive is breezing in on Wednesday night and staying till Saturday so looking forward to that.   And now I'm late for work and must go.  Have a great week possums.
Love Zxx


Lonicera said...

What a beautiful family, and great that you're about to set off on your travels again. Taking your camera too I hope??

Chris H said...

Awwww what gorgeous photos of Curtis!