LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Nothing but the Truth

Interesting title? Bet you all wondered what was coming didn't you.  Actually it's the name of the show we went to see on Saturday night - fantastic night with Joe Camillieri, Grace Knight, Normie Rowe and Frankie J Holden - a trip down memory lane and lots of laughs.  It was a spur of the minute decision on Friday lunchtime.  Friend Shelley popped into my office and were discussing what to do on the weekend - it was our 7th wedding anniversary on Saturday so we wanted to go out somewhere.  Anyway in idle conversation we checked out what was on at the Entertainment Centre and there it was so I hopped on line bought and printed the tickets, booked a pre-theatre meal at the Brasserie and we were all set.

It was a busy and exciting week - Clive came back on Wednesday night so had all the troops over for tea on Wednesday night - Tiff and I had organised a cake for him since he won't be here for his 30th birthday - we took him totally by surprise!!  On Thursday I got an email saying that a submission I had prepared for an industry training award for large employer of the year had made it to the finals - first time I had put one of these together so I'm pretty stoked about that - the finals are this Wednesday so will let you know how we went.  After work on Thursday I had an appointment to get my new ring valued along with a few other bits and pieces - holy hell did I get a shock - my ring is worth double what it cost me already and my other pieces had increased significantly.  Friday night I took Clive into town as he was going out with friends then staying at Grant and Tiff's before flying out again on Saturday morning.  I stopped off at the Indian restaurant and got takeaway for us.  Saturday I 've already talked about and then Sunday night we went out for tea with friends. By the time I got home I had a pain in my lower abdomen and had a rotten night with cramps, nausea and finally the frequent visits to the loo in the early hours of the morning so I had yesterday off work.  Was back today but tummy still making very peculiar noises and generally unsettled.  Seems there's a gastro virus doing the rounds.

So weightwise I'm actually down a further 200g - I got shot of last week's little hiccup and a tad more besides but having to watch very carefully after all that eating out - although had tandoori lamb chops and a smidgin of saffron rice so not too bad.  Had grilled fish and salad on Sat night and chicken mignon with mashed potatoes on Sunday night so nothing too drastic but of course a few wines each night and therein lies the problem as I well know!!  However didn't eat much yesterday with the funny tummy and not that much today either.

Since I started this post I've had a call from my manager to say she's had the OK from our GM for both of us to go to the Industry Training Awards dinner in Brisbane tomorrow night.  She's flying down in the morning for the conference but I'm in the midst of coordinating a 3 day training course and need to be there tomorrow morning so I'm flying down in the afternoon and will join her to go to the dinner then we'll both fly up on Thursday morning - so keep your fingers tightly crossed.

And now a couple of pics

Clive with his cake
I love my uncle!

Such a cutie this boy!
Now you may remember last October I had a big bargain shopping day and showed you all my off season reductions - this is one of them - this was Saturday night before heading off to the theatre.

And that's this week's news - hope you all have a wonderful one.
Love Z xx


Lonicera said...

8 kilos!! Wonderful Zanna. What sweet pictures (trying not to look at that wonderful cake...).
Just out of curiosity: I always wonder why on your live traffic feed chart, when I appear it says "Bromley"... (a suburb in London, 150 miles away??) instead of Bristol. Maybe the organisation's geography is a bit suspect...

jen said...

Love that outfit .... and all the pics !!
That cake sure looks deliceeeeeeeeeesous!!
Good luck with the award.

Chris H said...

Well done on the weight loss chick... and I love that outfit you have on.

Anne said...

Good luck with the award!!! You look fantastic in the photo!

Nola said...

I have since seen on FB how successful you were with the congratulations!!!! You look totally HOT in that outfit...I love it!! You looked beautiful at the awards too by the way:)

Julie's Journey said...

Hope you have won! Will have to check out facebook. Lovely photos.