LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Well given it was Easter and I've had a wonderful four days just relaxing around the house my table doesn't look too bad - I sampled half a hot cross bun with no butter and had one white chocolate Lindt ball - these are my very favouritest chocolates and so I savoured just one last night and was quite pleased with myself for stopping at one.   So I finished bang on points for the week.  I wakened Friday morning with a horrible headache so didn't do any Wii Fit and gave myself permission to have both Saturday and Sunday off since it was Easter - but back on track today.  And still no alcohol - that makes 9 weeks since I last had any. And my loss this week was a measly 100g - feel like I'm watching paint dry sometimes, - it's so bloody slow.  But as they say patience is a virtue and everything comes to he who waits and all that jazz!

WW Pts
Wii Fit/ Walk
2 ltrs
2 ltrs
2 ltrs
2 ltrs
2 ltrs
2 ltrs
2 ltrs
 14 ltrs
2h 2m

Now to more exciting things-  I got a call on Thursday night that my ring was ready to pick up - but I was on my way out to join Bloss who was at the pub for a work function and had suggested I join him around 7pm and we'd have tea there so I couldn't race into town to get it.  I had to wait till Saturday morning to get it.  But I'm absolutely delighted with it - it looks bloody amazing and the design is just so different and special.  I've posted a few photos of it below - I haven't been able to show how much it sparkles as if I leave the flash on it rebounds off it and the result is no good.  My plan originally was to wear it on the same finger as my wedding ring and I got it sized accordingly but I think my fingers must have lost weight! as it also fits my middle finger and I now think it deserves a finger all to itself so will probably wear it on that one.

Got a huge compliment at work during the week.  The Training Superintendent at one of the sites I work at is transferring and the HR Manager asked if I would be interested in the position.  It would be a promotion for me but I've said no.  I used to have a team reporting to me but when I transferred to RT Services a bit over a year ago I opted to no longer have anyone reporting to me as I wanted a break from being a leader and just to enjoy focussing on me and my skills.  I'm still loving it and really enjoy my work.  Anyway this role would involve taking on a team which needs some serious work done to get them pulling together, working efficiently and sorting out a problem child or two.  So whilst I believe I could do it - the bottom line is I really don't want to.  It would mean lots of stress which I currently don't have and don't want, I'd have a 75km round trip 5 days a week rather than only 2 at present, and while I'd get a pay rise, I'm earning an excellent salary right now and so would end up paying the bulk of any increase in tax.  However nonetheless I'm highly honoured that I was considered for the role - as the HR Manager said it would be a real challenge and requires someone with 'a big boot' so nice to know I'm considered as having that capability.

The builder started on the bathroom/toilet renos on Thursday - he's got the toilet floor retiled and the new loo installed and I'm delighted with the way the new floor tiles look.  He's back again this Friday to start the bathroom and will be here on and off for the next two weeks getting it finished.  Must say I'm very impressed with the way he works - everything beautifully finished and leaves everything spotless when he's finished.  

Had Josh and Curtis on Saturday for the afternoon as Grant and Tiff went to the races. I took them both down to the local park and when we were ready to come home Curtis said he wanted to be carried so I sat on the park bench and told him to hop up behind me and jump on my back.  Next thing he's squawking like mad and when I looked round one of his legs had gone right down between the two slats on the seat.  He couldn't manage to pull it out and was yelping when I tried to get it out.  So I left Josh minding him and ran back to the house to get some washing up liquid to smear on his leg to let it slide out.  I arrived back puffing and panting, clutching a bottle of Fairy Liquid, to find him sitting up on the seat smiling happily - after I'd left he'd managed to get it out by himself!!  

So that's the news for this week - hope you all had a lovely Easter break and didn't do too much damage but anyway it only comes once a year and it's a long time till Christmas!!  Have a great week possums.

Love Z xx


#fatfreefloozy said...

OMG! That ring is just stunning! Lurve it : P

Lainey said...

A big boot? You? Haha!

So lovely to get such a nice compliment though - and well deserved I have no doubt!

Your ring is amazing! I love it and I bet it looks fantastic on you.


Anne said...

Just love the ring, but then I'm a diamond girl:-)

Can understand why you turned down the position, a compliment but it does sound more stressful.

You sound so focussed on the weight loss - great work:-)

Julie's Journey said...

I think one of the nicest things about getting older is that you dont really have to do things you dont want to. Isnt that wonderful.

Your new diamond ring is stunning - such a lovely setting.

Chris H said...

Totally gorgeous ring... *drool*

jen said...

ohhhhhhh I love the ring...sunning !!!

Also love your focus on your weight loss ...wish I had just a smidgen of it at the moment, I am quite lost !!

ChrisB said...

What an absolutely gorgeous ring - jealous!! x

Kelly said...

Love the ring - great design!
Can't wait to see pictures of the reno's.
You are doing an amazing job with your health program - go you!
Kel xxx