2nd Masters Female
Now before you all faint in awe and amazement I think there were only three of us in this category! But you don't have to tell everyone that.
Other news - it look like my boss has a promotion and while I'm delighted for him I'm not very happy for me. I've been asked to act in his role meantime - there's a bit of rationalisation happening with the other two Rio sites in our area and until they have the structure for that decided they won't put someone permanent in the role. I've been asked by a few people if I'm going to put in for it - it did cross my mind - but it's a big job covering all the onsite training, apprentices, graduates, a pilot programme for national competencies, all the technical training, traineeships, trade training etc etc - and if this all isn't enough - it has 19 direct reports. I discussed it with Bloss the other night and no I don't need that much stress and hassle in my life - I like my work but if I had all that lot to contend with then I probably wouldn't and of course they may not consider me the right person anyway. So I'll help out in the meantime till we see what happens.
Been feeling a bit ordinary this week - Bloss's sore throat and cold has been stalking me - so far I've managed to keep it at bay but because of that haven't been to the gym since Monday and because I've been feeling a bit sorry for myself my eating hasn't been as good as it should have been - not dreadful but marking time stuff rather than losing stuff!
And that's really it peoples - not that much to talk about this week. Zanna's ear is coming along OK - still quite swollen but we head back to the vet on Wednesday to get her stitches out so we'll see what he has to say then.
All right sweet ones - have a great week.
Love Z xx