LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Shoo Shoo Baby

Well I haven't had too bad a week on the weight loss front. Still not quite 'in the zone' but certainly making progress towards it. A loss of 1kg this week - which I'm pretty happy with. Especially since my exercise has been crap - seem to be so tired at the moment and I had wine over the weekend. In my favour though I have tracked every day and even with the wine have remained within my points allowance. So just need to crank it up a bit this week.

Have now been back at work for 3 days and finding it really had to get back in the groove but hopefully this week I'll get my A into G! You may remember me posting about my hairdresser a few months back. Well she opted to sell the business as she wasn't able to devote the necessary time to it between looking after her family and embarking on yet another round of chemo. The good news is that she's now just over half way through this round of treatment and has converted a room in her house so that she can look after a few clients in the weeks that she's feeling well. I did like the girl who took over from R (she was trained by her) but she has a young baby and only works one Saturday a month which makes it tricky to keep my hair looking decent. I'm in dire need of a cut and colour since I came back from holiday but can't get in to J till early October. I didn't know that R was going to work from home until yesterday when I bumped into another stylist from the salon and she told me. So I sms'd R today and asked if she'd like another custy - she rang me back and said "Hell yes". Turns out she didn't want to do the wrong thing by the new salon owner although the deal was that she didn't set up within a 2km radius of the salon in the next 12 months. But she lives about 7km from the salon so isn't breaking the agreement but she's such a nice person she didn't want to phone her old clients. Anyway I'm off to see her tomorrow night after work - yippee! And I don't feel bad as I've been with R for the last 8 years so figure she's the one I need to support.

Many of you commented on my shoes in the last post so I decided to do an inventory of my shoes and give you a slide show! I had lots of fun playing with different slide show applications. I originally tried to do this with Photobucket as I loved the way Phil showed her pictures in her last post. But it's just so bloody slow. Then I played with Smilebox - fun and quite good but unless you pay for it you don't get full screen and you get lots of ads. Then of course there was good old Picasa but it was just a tad boring. Then I found Picturetrail which seems fairly idiot proof and quite quick and easy to use. Anyway the most pictures any presentation would take was 40 and since I had pictures of 48 pairs of shoes I had to do two shows. And you know what - that doesn't include my walking/running shoes, a duplicate pair of flatties - same style different colour as a pair already included, a pair of 'granny' sandals, and another pair which were hiding under the bed! So do I qualify as an 'Imelda'? Oh and I'm sorry you Size Niners - I'm usually an 8, or occasionally a 7.5!!!!

Have a great week my lovelies
Z xx


A photo of the new 'do' - the blondest I have ever been and I love it.

Posted by Picasa

I'm off to have more fun!!


Anne said...

I could not believe those shoes!! LOL Imelda!! Love them! I have trouble with heels so shoes aren't my thing - but have a thing for handbags!!!

Julie's Journey said...

Wish I could still wear heels! Wonderful slide show too. If you feel picturetrail is really idiot proof will have a look at it. I'm finally off to read about your Cuban adventure...

Apple2Hourglass said...

Damn you and your tiny feet! LOL.

Christine said...

Ohhhhh the shoes and the hair....I love both. Also love the new layout - it so suits your journies. :)

I'm off to the hairdresser today too! Looking forward to it.

Jocelyn said...

Go Imelda!!

If I did a slide show of my shoes there would probably only be five piccies, and one of those would be my ugg boots!! I am jealous of all those lovely shoes, but I have the UGLIEST feet you ever saw, and it is hard to find size 10 pretty shoes too lol.

You crack me up, how long did it take you to line up all those shoes and photograph them so beautifully ;-)

The new 'do' looks fab. Thanks for all the lovely comments lately on my blog. I have been a bit slack in the comment department lately, I have been reading in bloglines, and just skimming through as many blogs as possible in my lunch break, I need to remember that it is nice to interact with other bloggers as well us just reading about their exploits.

Take care


Christine (Australia) said...

Glad your hairdresser is doing well - and I love her work! Your hair looks gorgeous!!
The shoe slideshow was fun - very inventive!
Well done on the weigh loss too!!
chris xx

maria said...

First of all.. *congratulations to you* for a mighty fine weight loss this week! WoW!! And good on you for managing to stay in your points with wine too! Aaan hair looks great! I tried to follow my hairdresser to her home (when she based herself there).. and I did.. as she became a new Mum. I was so pleased because I had finally found someone who would do my hair 'right'. I went three times and on the 4th try she said she had decided not to do hair anymore -- indefinitely as she couldn't cope with her baby and the business also. ((Sigh)) I'm glad your hairdresser has a set-up at home!! I hope it lifts her spirits as she heals in all the ways she needs to. And I'm happy for you too. Oh.. those shoes, you. are. my. hero.. a woman after my own heart. What choice! I'm a size 9 also by the way along with those other bloggers! I hope it's easier for you to go to work with each passing day.. You have such a lovely, sunny attitude - You're an inspiration!

Sienna said...

You look beautiful my friend. My Mum went blonde about 10 years ago, and she was completely grey, it made her look so much younger, and she has never gone back. As for the shoes.. OMG... That is just amazing. You seriously have a shoe for every occassion! I really loved the side show actually! Thankyou for taking the time to do it for us!

Anonymous said...

WOW finally i have found someone with as many pairs of shoes as me. Shoes r my thing (being size 6.5 helps hehe) but i have now moved on to handbags much to hubbies horror.

Your hair is beautiful i love the colour

Suzy said...

Well done on getting back on track so fast!

Chris H said...

You do have lots of shoes!!! You lucky tart you! Love the hair too.