LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Pretty ticks all in a row

STOP PRESS - Monday morning - I did manage a little loss - 300g. Not very exciting, given how much effort I put in, but heading the right direction. I did Week 9 Day 1 of C25K this morning and I ran for 30 minutes - gee do I feel proud of myself. As someone who couldn't run for more than 30 seconds a couple of months ago, it's been a real achievement (and a lot of fun) to build up to 30 mins. I'm nowhere near running 5K - probably just under 4K at the moment. But I don't really care - this wasn't about distance, it was just about being able to run for an extended period of time. And Aunt Flo - thinking she might visit but hasn't quite made up her mind!

It's Sunday morning and Bloss has had to go into work and I'm still in bed (10.30am - how slack is that) with my laptop on my knee catching up on all kinds of things. I've been so good this week and as the title shows have been achieving lots of ticks - but I have a dull sinking feeling that the scales aren't going to show anything clever tomorrow morning. I haven't had a visit from Auntie Flo since the end of March but this past week have had incredibly tender boobs so wondering if she's going to pop in for a visit which might also explain the lack of downward movement. Oh well we'll see in the morning.

Not sure how well my chart will show up - but a quick review shows that I achieved my 10,000 steps daily plus another 8,000 averaging over 11,000 a day - and today's not over yet!
I exercised five out of 7 days and got 13.5 bonus points. Water was spot on, tracking too. I had alcohol last night but counted it, and haven't completed points for today properly - but I have used 124 out of my 126 points allowance for the week and still have to have tea tonight but as yet haven't touched my bonus points so I'll still be well under even after whatever I have for tea tonight.

Tomorrow I start week 9 (the final week) in the C25K programme. This will mean running for 30 mins on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I've stopped using the podcast and started using my own choice of music and just add up the duration of the songs till I get to 30 minutes. So I've spent some time this morning googling away merrily and found lists of suggested songs to run to then arranged them in a folder and transferred them to my MP3 player. so now quite looking forward to tomorrow's run to a whole new selection of music.

Had Josh, our eldest grandson, down for a sleepover on Friday night. He's just so much fun now. As you can see from the photos we had a lot of fun. Have also included a couple of photos of Curtis too, although he wasn't staying this time - he's about 20 months now and takes a fair bit of watching so we decided this sleepover would just be for Josh so we could do some special things.

Josh telling us a really amazing story

Picasso at work

Nearly bed time - Josh and Zanna
Curtis (Josh's little brother)
Curtis again. My ex and his wife have been in town and stayed with No 1 son and DIL for a few days. He has always been a really keen photographer and took heaps of photos of the boys while he was here. DIL had them all on a CD and brought them down to show me so I downloaded them on to my laptop since, as you can see, there are lots of top photos.

Licking the bowl after we made Freddo Frog cakes
The results! And yes I had a Freddo Frog cake and yes I counted it in my points.

Got this jumper last week - the bottom is on an angle and has a 3 inch fringe - I love it (and it was only $30 from Millers and is a small! - went hunting for a medium and there were only two small in the shop so thought what the hell and tried it on - and it fitted!)

I've been playing around a bit with Picasa to manage all my photos. Have also discovered that you can blog photos straight from Picasa either singly or up to four at a time. So I tried that with these and I have to say that it is so much faster than adding them through Blogger. I wasn't going to bother adding this snippet of info but I was amazed at the response in blogland to the information about Google Reader. I have been using Bloglines for a long time now - which does almost the same thing. I found out about it from a comment made ages ago by Sue (the now single girl who must be having such a good time that she's forgotten all about us!!!). She commented to the effect that she hadn't been visiting some blogs because Bloglines had been playing up. I wondered what she meant so went googling and found out about it. I didn't think to mention it since I though I was the only dumb bunny around who was clicking in and out of everyone's blogs to see if they had updated. And then find out that there's a proliferation of us rabbits! So I think we should all consider what we have learned along the way in this blogging journey and mention any little tricks we've acquired - I guess we don't need to go into huge detail but if it strikes a chord with someone then they can contact us in a comment to find out more info. What do you think? My question for anyone is about Technorati - not sure what it does ?

Ok it's now 2.30pm on Sunday arv and I've done nothing but play on my laptop, but achieved some stuff I've been trying to do for a while. And in the midst of all this playing have made this a very long post - if you've got this far - take a bow! Will update quickly tomorrow with what the scales say. Have a great week everybody!


jen said...

awwwwwwwww love the grandies, gorgeous pics....good luck with the demon scales tomorrow !!


The Candid Bandit said...

Terrific photos and brilliant effort this week. (Loving your tick chart!)

You are a fox, you know that right?

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Well done with the tick charts... you are cruising lady... And I saw those jumpers in hot hot...
Grandies are adorable.. oh and I like your kitchen...
I loooove bloglines..saves me many many hours...

maria said...

I really like your new tracking-table because you can see your results at a glance!
Enjoyed your family photo's, the new jumper is lovely..and the cakes looked yummy! I have tried to start with bloglines but I've not been notified yet of blog updates.. I think I'm doing something wrong? I hope you enjoy your new songs tomorrow :-) By the way.. thank you so much for your kind, thoughtful comments on my blog. I'm trying to be as positive as possible (best for my 12yr old girl too as she's worried about me). Much appreciated Zanna :-)

Christine said...

Yah! Great pictures, looks like you had a great time with the kids! Nothing but smiles all around! You look great too by the way! Don't know if I could have stayed on points with the baking in the house, *smiles*

Take care!

Julie's Journey said...

Just loved the top! Week 9 - I cant believe it. Grandkids are cute too. No wonder you are on top of the world. Have made a note to explore bloglines tomorrow and loved the chart (you know I love charts). Have a great week.

Amy said...

Hi zanna. Thanks for leaving a message on my post. I have just found your blog and have enjoyed reading it. Some gorgeous photos!! Have a fabulous week.

Christine (Australia) said...

Congratulations on the loss this week! You are doing so well and looking fantastic! Love the pic of you in your new "S" jumper!
The photos of the boys are great - they are little cuties and Josh is very artistic!
Thanks for mentioning google reader, I checked it out and am now using it!!

maria said...

You're able to run for 30min's? And you couldn't do that a few months ago?! That's a testament to your fitness commitment and you deserve applause!! Very good the weight is going down.. but I often hear when people have put in some serious exercise.. the scales don't move or they go the wrong way.. and then results are shown at a later stage? You should be very proud of yourself! I'm off to look at your '100 things' now! Thank you for your blog comments!

CaramelKitKat said...

Zanna, you look amazing!

Thanks for your words of encouragement. It's fantastic to hear of other non-runners becoming runners - you should be very proud of yourself. Do you get the 'runner's high'? Or is it a bit of a slog at times?