LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Yep, that's what last week turned to - absolute custard!! The only thing I can blame is the cold weather and that's a cop out. I didn't exercise, had alcohol every night, didn't drink enough water, didn't track and my arithmetic was pretty ordinary as far as counting points went. And the scales - well we won't even go there! Work has been so busy and I'm trying to line all the ducks up before I go on leave, hence why I'm late in posting this week. Although of course if you've nothing exciting to share, there's not the same urgency to tell it to the world!! Anyway I gave myself a bit of a talking to yesterday - told myself that I wanted to be at an all time low before I went on holiday - not heading upwards! So I'm pleased to report that yesterday I got all ticks on my chart and I've already been for a run this morning so that's the first tick on today's chart. Not too much else to report - this week has been a bit quieter than the one before - thank goodness although we were out for dinner Friday night, drinks and nibblies on Saturday night and on Sunday I went to Josh's Little Athletics carnival. I've got the bulk of my stuff organised for our holidays and ready to start on Bloss's stuff. Just trying to make sure everything we want is clean and ironed - then hidden in the spare room so he can't wear it in the meantime! Sorry I haven't commented much lately - there has been a distinct shortage of time so although I keep up with you all with Bloglines - I don't often take the time to actually open your post so I can comment - but I'm with you all in spirit and will try to poke my nose in to say hello as soon as I can. Have a great week everyone.


Chris H said...

HUMPH!!! NOt commenting, how rude! ha ha ha, just joking mate, we all do get so busy, I have been slipping with reading everyones' every day..... so many to read!!! I try to comment as much as I can .... cos I like to!

Sue said...

Your next trip sounds wonderful! Guess I'll just have to get by with my three days in Queenstown...

Leighanne said...

Your week sounds like my last month!!
This week we will just move on:)

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Totally understand about the custard thing...
take care and dont over work yourself too much... Ohh only 19 days til you go exciting!!!

Em said...

I think the main thing is to know where you slipped up and move on which you are doing so your excited about your trip ..have a great week

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

And heres me saying earlier how I totally understand days going to custard and look what happened to me... thanks for your comment..I am so excited... but terrified at the same time... arghhhhhhhh
Adrenalin is high at the moment...
Need to calm down or i wont be able to sleep...

Sienna said...

Don't be too hard on yourself my dear, you are only human! My trainer says alcohol is very bad!! I wanted to ask, if you would be so kind as to keep a diary for this trip? I would love to hear your day to day adventures when you return, though I know this is time consuming. I can live my overseas dreams through you!

Christine (Australia) said...

Hope you manage to knock off all of those ducks before you go on your wonderful trip!
Good for you to get all those ticks yesterday and sounds like today got off to a good start.. Keep that up and you'll be back on track in no time!
Keep smiling Zanna.. chris xxx

Christine said...

Naa - you've forgiven me for my back last few days - and you are allowed as well. :) Take care of yourself.

Chris H said...

Nope, I think the net is responsible for that, mine is sure going slow this morning.. or it could be a crappy laptop down in my room, it's the pitts. I'm on my 'good' one now, it is LOVELY! Have a nice day it's warmer over there!

Anne said...

Probably over here in NZ doing much the same as you in Aust, packing and getting ready. We get into Brisbane around 6.00pm tomorrow! I see you are heading to NZ in Dec - would love to meet you!! We are about 3 hours from Taupo south towards Wellington. Keep in touch - you never know! Have a wonderful holiday.

Lyn said...

it's ok you're allowed weeks like that. It's not the fact that you had a blowout that matters, it's getting straight back into it once it's over.

I had a similar blow out the last day or so too so I'm preaching to myself here!

maria said...

Yes.. I can relate to the 'no urgency to tell the world' part. Sometimes I feel I shouldn't blog if I only have 'down-news' to share.. but I have to remember also that my blog is an outlet and it's mine and people don't have to read it if they don't want to. Good on you for getting those ticks happening again! Your holiday preparations are sounding exciting to me! :-)