LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Monday, July 09, 2007

Nothing to get excited about!

Well a piddly 100g this week and I've been sick AGAIN - I'm fed up being sick!! I copped what seems to have been a 24 hour virus - horrendous nausea and the dreaded diarrhea - was worried that it might be a recurrence of my Hong Kong episode but it seems to have gone again - in fact now suffering from the opposite extreme - sometimes you feel you just can't win!

Anyway here's the chart

So Steps - Well I forgot to put on my pedometer on Tuesday and Friday I came home sick at 10am and spent the rest of the day and night in bed. Exercise - I took sick in the middle of the night so didn't get up and run on Friday morning and wasn't quite up to it on Saturday either. Water, Points and Tracking all got their full quota of ticks - although points were incredibly low for Friday as I didn't eat a single thing all day and only had a piece of dry toast and a poached egg at night just to try and put something in my stomach. Then Saturday night we were invited out for dinner - didn't do anything too drastic but had to just guestimate points and have probably erred on the high side. Alcohol has featured a few times this week - couple of big days at work so had a couple of wines of an evening mid week - then out again at the weekend. However they are all counted in my points - in the past I've been known to be quite forgetful about including them - didn't chew it so it won't count!!!!!

I'm feeling a bit frustrated today - was actually down a bit further over the weekend but shot back up again this morning. I'm really conscious of the fact that I've really just been marking time for about 8 weeks now but I'm just not quite getting it all together. However I'll just soldier on and hopefully manage a couple more kilos before going on holiday. TOM sort of arrived last Monday but so light it was hardly worth noting, then disappeared totally for a couple of days then popped in again yesterday - that was the first for around 4 months- and I've been erratic for the past couple of years so maybe this was just a farewell flutter - here's hoping!

It's been a fairly ordinary kind of a week - don't mind them now and again - gives you a chance to regroup and catch up on things. Ran around a bit at the beginning of the week fixing up Josh's bike - No 2 son bought him one for Christmas but the training wheels (which he bought separately) were just a bit too short and Josh was riding on an angle on one training wheel which made it incredibly hard to pedal. So Granny decided that before I dropped his bike back home after his visit to us last week, that I'd call by the bike shop and see what could be done. Another set of training wheels and some clever adjustment by the man in the bike shop and it's heaps better. Had Curtis for most of yesterday - No 1 son was working and DIL had Little Athletics with Josh and it's such a long time for Curtis to be stuck in his pusher so he had some 'granny time' - thoroughly enjoyed by both of us.

Fun week ahead - Bloss it taking off to Brisbane from Thursday to Saturday to catch up with his No 2 son - the one from New Mexico - who is going to be in town briefly. He'll stay with his No1 son so it will be a wonderful opportunity to have some father/son time with no other time claimers like wives and children. A close friend is coming up from Brisbane on Friday night for a 'girlsz weekend', so there will be a lot of dining out and probably a wine or two consumed between then and Sunday afternoon when she flies back. We'll all be staying at my friend S's place - she's lives in town so better placed for taxis etc. The three of us try and get together every six months or so and it's been a while since the last one so really looking forward to a good girly gossip and catch up - we're all nutty as fruitcakes so there will be plenty of laughs and nonsense.

OK everyone - hope you're having a good week - catchya!


Wanna_B_slimmer said...

So sorry to hear you have been on the sick list again... your poor system obviously hasnt healed from the last bout...
have a top girls weekend..i envy you...

Sienna said...

Oh my Dear, you have such a fabulous life! Sorry you have been crook again. You look very slim right now. Have you really got to lose another 9kgs?? You will be a stick insect?!
By the way, thanks for the nice welcome home. I was thinking about whether I should write about my holiday, but I so enjoyed reading yours that I thought that yes, I will write about it, and share it with everyone!

Chris H said...

Being sick sucks eh? Hope you stay well from now on.. and enjoy your girly weekend! Lucky you! I love the comment... I didn't have to chew it, so it didn't count! NOT ON ZANNA! It does count ya tart!

Anne said...

Not good being sick again!

Have a fun weekend with your friends:-)

Love the chart that you do - great idea!

maria said...

Oh poor you! Sorry to hear your health hasn't been niggling at you again. But a 100gm loss - better than a gain. You have a good attitude.. just soldier on. Have fun with the girls.. sounds like it will be!

Suzy said...

Hope you are much better. Have a fantastic girlz weekend.

Anonymous said...

i am going to get me one of those little step counter things! How motivating is it seeing your numbers!
\great work babe!

Lyn said...

I always love your chart thingys ... even tho you only lost 100g the important thing is you did well therefore eventually that will payoff ... just maybe not this week.

Congrats on the loss!!

Christine (Australia) said...

Hi Zanna, hope you're feeling much better now and have had a fantastic week and girlsz weekend.. Look forward to hearing about it!

Em said...

Hi am back again this time to stay :)...Sorry to hear you have been sick...enjoy your weekend and omg to all the travelling you have done :)