It's only two weeks now and I'm starting to get so excited. I think I've got most things organised - but now just trying to hurry through an update to my credit card. We always travel using my visa card and never bother with foreign currency before hand or travellers cheques. Last Tuesday I got an offer in the mail to upgrade from my standard blue Visa to a platinum Visa for no extra fee. This is a big thing as the annual fee for two cards is $250. But an even bigger thing is that a platinum card offers you free travel insurance which in the case of this trip alone will save us $655. But.... I need to get the new card in the mail, activate it and pay for at least $250 of the land portion of this trip to qualify. And of course I need to have the new cards before we go - and it's not as simple as saying I'll just keep the blue one if the platinum doesn't come through in time as after 14 days the blue one will be deactivated.... and then I'll be up the proverbial creek! Anyway so far so good - I faxed the response to them to save time and have been ringing to check progress every day - hopefully it will arrive in the mail by the middle of this week and then I can relax.
I'm writing this at work and don't have a copy of my chart here. But it was quite a good week chartwise - water pretty good, tracking and points excellent, alcohol on only two days, exercise on four, and steps I have no idea as my pedometer broke on Friday and I'm lost without it. I'm going to try and get a new one tonight. Would really like to have on while on holiday as it will be interesting to capture how much walking we do.
S and I went out to a work function on Friday night and this is us all set to go. This little jacket top I picked up at our local charity markets the other Sunday - it was brand new - had a designer label from Melbourne on it - but had a mark on the back on the hem like glue - think it had maybe had a sticker slapped on it that had left residue. Anyway it was only $5 so I thought what the hell - worst case scenario I'll lose $5 if I can't remove the stain. But I removed it with the old Sard wonder soap successfully, washed and pressed it and it got it's first outing on Friday night.
No 2 son called me Saturday night - he's the one in London currently - has been working (and holidaying) there since January this year. He's just got another job - in Malaysia - working on an oil rig (he's had a bit of experience doing that in Oz). Anyway it's 8 weeks on, 2 weeks off, fly in and out of London (as that's his point of recruitment). But that means that if he'd rather travel the shorter distance to Australia for his 2 weeks off then he can. So might get to see him before too long. The money is incredible $1000 per day tax free!!!
This is a recent photo of him - he puts lots of photos on Ringo and I had a look for a decent one to put here - in just about every single one he has his arms round a different woman - and they are all beautiful! One of these days, one will come along and knock him off his feet - and that will be interesting to watch!
Anyway good people - must away and be productive. Have a fantastic week everyone.
Another bit .... just took up Miss Beck's offer of an IQ test
Am I good or what!