LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Monday, April 09, 2007

Jazz, Shiraz and Chardonnay

Let's get the serious business out of the way first. Really pleased to report a loss of 400g this week taking my total to lose into single figures. Can't help but love that. So reviewing the week....

Steps - 67,000 - average of roughly 9,600 per day
Points - great the first half of the week but didn't really count properly on Saturday and Sunday. Still I didn't do anything too drastic - mostly wine and a couple of little pieces of chocolate
Tracking - as above
Alcohol - Yes - a couple on Thursday and Friday nights, and a lot more than a couple on Saturday and Sunday nights - but back on the wagon again today
Walk - two days
C25K - finished week 2
Gym - 2 days
Water - TICK

On the subject of alcohol - although I've thoroughly enjoyed my few sauvignon blancs and chardonnays - I don't like the way they make me not sleep properly, feel sluggish in the morning and even give me a headache one morning. So I'm embracing the alcohol free lifestyle again and planning to stay that way until we go to Hong Kong which is in 5 weeks time.

Have had a lovely Easter break. On Thursday night we went into the Harbour Festival and met up with No 1 son, DIL and grandsons. Was just so much pleasure to watch the sheer excitment and enjoyment on Josh's face as he sampled the rides. The favourite was the ferris wheel! Most of the rest of the weekend has been pretty laid back.

Last night we went to Jazz n' Shiraz - a fantastic night. Some good jazz acts with the star attraction being David Campbell. He was absolutely brilliant (mind you as Jimmy Barnes' son what else would you expect!) Only problem was that he wasn't on long enough!

Have included a couple of photos taken last night at the show. Here we have Bloss and I playing silly buggars - the plan was to get one of those gooey lovey-dovey shots but as you can see we just kept getting the giggles.

And this was my Easter egg - I just treated myself. Saw it in Kmart, marked down as it was the end of the line so thought - Well that's a bit longer lasting than a chocolate egg (and a tad more expensive too!) - so I bought it and assembled it on Saturday afternoon.

Well good people - this has taken me bloody ages to do - am at home today of course and our internet connection has been very selective - some sites just wouldn't load this morning while others were fine. It all appears to be OK now - but it's meant that I've been back and forward trying to piece this together.

Hope you all have had a lovely Easter and now it's time to put the madness and badness behind us. Get thee behind Satan!! Have a great week everyone.


jen said...

woooohoooooo still onwards and downwards even after a few little drinkies...good on ya Zanna!!

toooot toooot, keep a chugging away girl,


Sue said...

Definitely like that egg!

Christine (Australia) said...

great pics Zanna, you are looking fantastic!! lucky you getting to see David Campbell, would so like to see him perform.. And love your "easter egg", they don't have any like that in my local kmart :-(

Lyn said...

I soooo love buying furniture and what a beautiful piece you chose for yourself!

Congrats on the loss, well done!!

Chris H said...

For someone who has just decided to abstain from alcohol for at least 5 weeks, your choice of "Easter Egg" is funny! VERY NICE EGG I must say.

Chris H said...

LOL Zanna, you are quite right! So in 5 weeks I expect to see a photo of a fully stocked wine rack then! I don't know if I could resisit...if I was a drinker....

Anne said...

Love the photos - you are looking fantastic:-)

maria said...

My Easter Egg was gold with a little bell around its neck.. with the word 'Lindt' on it. The kind you bought was much better! I'm finding that I abstain more and more from alchohol at special occasions simply because of the way it leaves me feeling. Sometimes I feel like it's a shame as I used to enjoy some white wine with hubby once upon a time. Well done Zanna re: your continued weight loss & I liked the "Man cannot discover new oceans" quote at the top of your blog!

Anonymous said...

Hi Zanna, well done on your loss over the past week considering Easter was in there you did very well. Love your easter egg,
Nothing like having an everlasting egg!

Chris H said...

Zanna, RE: noisy kids... how long till I 'get over it' mate? Been a mummy for 28 years already, can't I get over it like.... today? Tell me how?????

Julie's Journey said...

What a great easter egg, the no calorie kind although the contents did look a bit suspicious.

You and Bloss look so good together even when you are giggling.

Well done on single figures - you are blitzing it in arent you. (Jealous jealous jealous) No really well done.

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Well done on the loss..and over easter too.. Love the pressie... pity it didnt already come filled with liquid pressies too...