LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

So now what?

Ok, I've set up the blog, and now I need to ask myself what I'm going to do with it. Hadn't really thought that through. I guess I'm just going to try and write down where I'm at for the day - probably more emotionally rather than anything else. Right then - I'm in my 50th year - does it worry me - no not really - so what does - keeping a handle on my weight. Over the past 3 years I've been following Weight Watchers - got down to a weight I'm comfortable but geez it's hard to keep it there. Every now and then it creeps up a couple of kilos and the horrible spare tyre is back. Had been doing really well then went off on a wonderful 6 week holiday to Spain, Portugal and Morocco, Scotland and Japan - it was absolutely unreal. Got back at the beginning of November plus almost 5kgs. Plenty of time to shift that before Christmas you say - so did I - but did it happen - no! Now it's nearly February and I'm still 4.4kg above my pre holiday weight. I keep losing and gaining the same kilo over and over again. My thinking is that if I actually make myself write it about it regularly - I might get myself properly focussed again. Added to this is that Minnie Poz has joined my list of friends - get it! (Menopause). Anyway have just started HRT and don't know what effect that's going to have on my weight. And I've got out of the walking habit these last few weeks, so need to crank that up again. And then we're off to visit friends in NZ for a cruising holiday in three weeks. So why am I making all these excuses - it's simple really I just need to get my butt into gear and start doing instead of making excuses. I also need to reactivate my gym habit - I felt great when I was going twice a week but somehow I broke the cycle and can't seem to get started again. So what's the plan - start counting points properly, drink the water (that one's easy at least), stop drinking so much wine (not so easy), walk more and start going to the gym. Toodles!

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