LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Monday, February 08, 2010

Party, Preparation and Progress

And what a good girl I've been this week - not sure what the results will be on the scales tomorrow - I was quite a way down yesterday but this morning right backup again but I'm hoping that's because I was drinking water right up to midnight last night.

I've put together a neat little table showing how well I stuck to all my "wws".  So I managed a tick in all the boxes bar one - and I only committed to exercising at least 5 times a week - but I need to keep this going and  try and up it a bit.  So we'll see what tomorrow brings.

Edit :  Progress indeed - down 1.2kgs this week - a great incentive to continue doing exactly what I'm doing.

WW Pts
Wii Fit
2 ltrs
15 mins
2 ltrs
30 mins
2 ltrs
18 mins
2 ltrs
18 mins
2 ltrs
19 mins
3 ltrs
15 mins
2 ltrs
1hr 45m

And now the party part of the title - we were invited to a 21st on Saturday - Red Carpet or Yobbo was the theme.  So Bloss and I were red carpet

Taken at home just before we left - see I've got my bling on!
Me with Shelley on the 'red carpet'
Bloss and Pat, Shelleys's husband who got right into character as a yobbo

Today was preparation time for lunches for the week ahead.  I think I might have posted about these before but it might still be a useful idea for any new readers I have.
I make up 12 of these little jellies every couple of weeks - one tin of WW fruit between three containers and one low cal jelly made up and split between three containers
Screw on the lids, pop in the fridge  and you've got a jelly and fruit ready to go each day for 1/2pt
And then I make up a monster bowl of salad - everything goes in - lettuce, chinese cabbage, capsicum, celery, cherry tomato, cherry kumata, cucumber, sugar snap peas, white and black grapes, orange, crunchy combo beans, avocado, mint, basil and sometimes even asparagus.  I decant some into a smaller container each day add ham, prawns, chicken, tuna or salmon and I've got a delish lunch.  I keep a bottle of fat free balsamic dressing at work.
This is how I get through my 2 litres of water each day - on weekends sit the glass and bottle on the kitchen bench so I see it every time I walk past and I just pick up the glass and have a couple of slugs.  Likewise at work - fill up my bottle and sit it on my desk with a glass beside me so I get into the habit of just picking it up and swigging.

OK possums hope you all have a brilliant week 
Love Z xx


Lonicera said...

I do love salad - but I'd get so bored with it every day... I had one this evening with some prawns, also with every thing I could think of thrown in, including garlic and chopped chilli - but don't ask me to have it again tomorrow! That's why I'm not as successful as you at this. I'm impressed by how organised you are. The water part is easy, except that it has to be iced water, then I'll glug it down. We have a water cooler at work, and at home I keep lots of bottles in the fridge (tap water).
I went to a fancy dress party once, and with one of my ponchos I dressed up as near as I could think of in Argentine national costume...only it was April 2nd 1982, the day Argentina invaded the Falklands - can you believe the coincidence. I hadn't listened to the news, so had no idea...and had to put up with jokes about being a war prize all evening. End of dressing up career!

Chris H said...

I USED to do that sort of preparation! Used to. Must start again eh?
You and Bloss look lovely!

Jocelyn said...

Great progress! You and Bloss looked mighty fine in your red carpet duds too.

Thanks for posting again about your jelly and salad prep. Its a great idea and something I might just add to my own prep. I think water has been my worst downfall lately, so I really need to get a bottle to sit on my desk at work, makes it so much easier to remember when it is sitting right there in front of you.

Keep up the great work, you have inspired me to really focus this week.


Marie said...

You look lovely at at the 21st! I am so going to make those jellys, they would be so handy.

Gabby said...

Yum! Love your photos - you have inspired me to get organised again. I am really struggling at the moment, but I know that if I do the work it will happen... just hate those extra kilos. Your chart is great also, sometimes just seeing it written down can keep you on track. Congrates on an excellent week's progress - keep up the great work :-)

Lainey said...

Check you out! All organised and a stonking loss this week too!

Great work. It's all about the organisation, eh?

I'm cracking on with the water big time. On litre 4 for today. x

jen said...

ohhhh I like that salad idea....I already do the jelly cups...

Julie's Journey said...

It all looks so colourful and bright. Might instigate the salad idea but made individual ones all at once to save some time during the week. Do you think that would work? Well done on the loss too.

#fatfreefloozy said...

what a bloody good idea! Does the salad go a bit slushy?!?

Anne said...

Once again you are looking great!

Thanks for the ideas of getting prepared, must get my act together and do likewise!

Suzy said...

Wow you are so organised!
I was going to ask how you stick to so little points but I can now see from the lovely salads and fruit jelly that you are super organised and have such healthy lunches. Well done!!!