LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Ready, Steady ....Go

You may have noticed a change to my side bar - The Challenge. I read about this challenge over on We are Slimming and it struck a chord for me. I was doing quite nicely up till Christmas but since then I'm back to faffing around - up a bit, down a bit but not really going anywhere and that would be fine if I was where I wanted to be - but I'm not. So ... 12 weeks - not that long out of a lifetime but long enough to make the difference I want. I'm also taking the suggestion I made in my last post about making February alcohol free a bit further and extending it to the 12 weeks of the challenge. I know I can do it if I put my mind to it - some of you may remember that a couple of years ago I went alcohol free from New Years Day till Easter and during that time had some very good losses. I know that it's alcohol that's my saboteur - I eat well all day and in the evenings too - but I don't have very many left over points and certainly not enough to indulge in a bottle of wine (or the best part thereof) which is what tends to happen most nights. And of course I've become very slack on the exercise front so I need to remedy that too.

So the plan - its the W's again
Wine - none of it
Walk and/or WiiFit - at least 5 times a week
Water - keep on drinking it - this one isn't a problem for me
WW online - use it to track points daily

Re. this last one - I know that for me to be successful I have to track points - I know I can maintain not too badly without counting but that if I want to lose I have to do the counting.

Weigh in tomorrow morning February 1 for Day 1 of the challenge. Bring it on!!

So I've had a bit of a let up this weekend but overall not too bad. Bloss and I decided to have a wee bit of R and R so we went down the coast a bit to Bargara - a little town just outside of Bundaberg - for a couple of nights. We had a lovely relaxing time - dinner out both nights, breakfast by the beach - a bit of a browse round the shops in Bundy and then headed home this morning. It's very wet here today - the after effects of Tropical Cyclone Olga.

So the obligatory couple of photos below :

The view from the balcony of the unit we had -you can see that although it was fine on Saturday the storm  clouds were brewing
Bloss at breakfast
Me at breakfast

Ok folks - not sure what's for tea tonight but I'm having the 'condemned man's' couple of wines with it then I'll be on that wagon for the next 12 weeks - and the very fact that I've told you guys will be enough to keep me on it - I hate having to admit defeat!

Take care possums and have a great week
Love Z xx


Brooke said...

Good luck with the challenge, lovely lady! I'll be following your progress. I have always been the same with tracking - I can rarely lose weight when I'm not writing everything down!


#fatfreefloozy said...

Yep! I am having the Condemned man's bundys! He musta been a naughty boy!

Anne said...

Have to say - what a gorgeous photo of you:-)

Good luck with your challenge!

Julie's Journey said...

Gosh you are looking great. Good luck with the challenge and I agree with you about the points - I had an epiphany earlier this week too. Tomorrow will tell.

Lonicera said...

How absolutely wonderful to live in a place where you can take off for two days and have that sort of experience...
And another wonderful trip coming up, how exciting! Over an 8-year period I used to go to the Greek islands every year, and simply adored it. And Dubai... lots of opportunities for stunning pics.
Lots of luck with your new challenge - you seem like a very decided person when you make up your mind to do something, and super organised... so I'm sure this is going to be a success.

Nola said...

That sounds like a good challenge! You have the wine and I have the lollies!! lol I need to get some structure back also...

jen said...

wowwwww good luck with the challenge....I have looked at it too but seem to be going okay doing what I doing at the mo...

And...I LOVE that pic of you, its great !!!

Sue said...

That problem with the wine seems to be a common theme - especially in summer!