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Friday, November 06, 2009

Back to Earth - for the second time

Well I had already shared all my words of wisdom then I somehow managed to post my photos over my text and it all disappeared - and dammit there was no back button!

So now I've got to try and recreate what I said.  It was something along the lines that I was back in the groove at work and going with the flow.

I've been continuing to track faithfully and am pleased to report a nice little loss of 800g this week - so I just  need to keep on keeping on.

I had been eschewing alcohol for the past few weeks but that all came to a crashing end on the weekend.

First of all my friend Shaz and I decided to go to Rockhampton on Saturday and check out the extensions to the shopping centre there - brilliant - we now have shops like Wombat and Witchery.  Major excitement for us country bumpkins.  Anyway managed to get a few 'snips' - I'm not too obsessed on being bang up to date on fashion - end of season special do me just fine.  So got a couple of tops and a skirt - $250 to $50, $70 to $29 and $60 to $19.  Can't complain about that.

Then on the way home I got a text from Elle, another friend who has just had a relationship split and moved out and bought her own place.  She was in need of a bit of company.  Shaz had to go into work to attend to a patient - so I dropped her off, bought a bottle of wine and headed to Elle's new place.  A couple of bottles of wine later and one or two cointreaus later and I was history!  I stayed the night there then headed home in the morning.  Straight to bed and didn't surface till early afternoon.  I thought you were supposed to get smarter as you got older!!!

However I did record all the points!!

All right possums - another weekend beckons - catching up with friends now based in Brisbane that we haven't seen for quite a few years.  They're coming to us for a couple of drinks tomorrow night then we'll head to the pub for tea.  

Keep on keepin on everybody and Carpe Diem ( Seize the day) 
Love Z xx

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Chris H said...

OOO what gorgeous clothes. YOu have wonderful taste.
AS for me being up so late... I always go to bed at 11pm... so I am a wee bit later tonight ... got carried away reading freaking blogs. Off to bed now! nite nite.

Jocelyn said...

Lordy I just hate when blogger does that!!!!

But look on the bright side, you picked up some very nice purchases, you are a savvy shopper I believe.

jen said...

ohhhhhhhhh LOVE the new clothes !!!! Agree with Chris you DO have wonderful taste.