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Sunday, September 06, 2009

My bags are packed - I'm ready to go....

In the words of the song and my header picture - I'm just about ready. I've been scheming and organising for weeks and it's meant that we both finished work on Friday and are having such a relaxing weekend as most of the jobs are done.
So .....
Cases packed - tick
Hair coloured and permed - tick
Beauticians for wax - tick
Mail to be held at Post office - tick
Tickets collected - tick
To do -
Hairdressers for foils - tomorrow morning
Zanna to the kennels - Tuesday
Transport to airport - sort out tonight - do we catch a cab ($60) or drive my car to airport and Grant or Tiff will pick it up from there
Pack laptop - Wednesday morning
Do nails - Tuesday night
Phone Mum - tonight
Phone Clive and Luana - tonight
It's been a busy couple of weeks - especially at work - we've got a lot on so it was nose to the grindstone right up to the last gasp. Yesterday we went to watch Josh's last game of footy for the year and then went for lunch to the Coffee Club and bumped into this lovely lady. I actually met Carolyn briefly in the real world before blogland. We attended the same gym at one stage then it closed and I think I saw her one more time around town and then by one of those serendipitous chances I clicked a link one day and there was her blog. So for the last 12 months or so we've only connected through blogland. But it was lovely to have a catch up especially as she's leaving town and heading for Darwin - actually starts her new job up there the same day we leave for Frankfurt.
And now a few photos
Josh getting his trophy from the coach (his dad)
My birthday tea at Grant and Tiffs - trying to blow out the sparklers
He's a cheeky one this one! - Curtis
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My sons both have this habit of pulling faces when confronted with a camera!
Bloss and Curtis
Josh - a mouthful of teeth coming and going!
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Ok guys that it for now - as I said I'll be taking my laptop with me so will try to pop on as often as I can and provide you with titillating tales of our travels!! Try saying that with a couple of chardonnays under your belt!!
Take care
Love Z xx


Lonicera said...

Zanna - have a wonderful trip! You sound soooo organised, I'm sure everything will go like clockwork. Thanks once again for all the brilliant messages you leave on my blog, and I look forward to copious quantities of pictures of your travels!

Anne said...

Have a wonderful trip!! Looking forward to hearing about it all when you get back. Love the photos, cute ones also of the teeth coming and going in the grandson's mouth:-)

Anne said...

Have a wonderful time away.. look forward to lots of photos :) (hint hint LOL)

Dominique said...

Hi, been lurking for a while. Hope that you have a great trip and travel safe.

Take care

Pam said...

I'm laughing here at your pre-travel checklist. Mine would not include hairdressers, nail-doing or waxing. If we do meet when you're in Scotland then I shall feel so unglamorous in contrast to you! Mind you, you're quite a bit younger than I am...

Have a good trip.

Pam said...

Hi - in answer to your question - can't do Tuesdays - I teach an evening class - but Thur 1 Oct should be fine.

Chris H said...

Have a wonderful time you Globe Trotter you!

Julie's Journey said...

Have a wonderful trip! When I eventually spread my wings I will come to you for packing tips.
Travel safe