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Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Leaving on a Jet Plane

But I do know when I'll be back - after five glorious weeks!
Just a quick post - nearly all the jobs on the list are done. I need to redo my nails this arv and that will be me.
Both Bloss and I are starting to get really excited. Have also made some plans for when we're in Scotland. Much of our time will be spent with family and catching up with old friends and extended family - however my sister and brother in law and us two are sneaking away for one night together. I've never been to the Lake District and have heard so much about it's beauty. I know we won't get to see very much but if we get away early in the morning we'll be there by lunch time and so have the whole afternoon and pretty much most of the next day and we'll head home late afternoon. My sister has got us a good deal and has already booked a night in this lovely looking spot
Plans are also afoot for a blogger meeting - I'm planning to catch up with these two ladies Isabelle and Shauna, so will keep you posted about that. Would also have loved to catch up with this one - Lainey but would you believe - the two weeks I'm in Scotland, she's taking herself off to Brazil!
Ok that's all for now - might get back to you tomorrow from somewhere on our travels.
Take care
Love Z xx

1 comment:

Anne said...

Go for it and enjoy! Five weeks sounds like heaven:-)

Please say a big hello to Isabelle from me, I really enjoy her posts -also Shauna's. Shame you aren't able to catch up with Lainey.