LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

So far not bad

Not exactly perfect either - but heaps better than I've been. So how did the wobble yous go - a friend's child used to say wobbleyou instead of the letter "w" and it kind of fits this situation don't you think - if I don't follow the four "w"s then I will wobble!!! Wine I still had a couple of wines on the weekend but went dry last night and plan to continue that way. Walk Walked on Saturday but nothing since - had Curtis and Josh for the weekend so time was a bit limited. Late home the last two nights so no time. But at the other site today so a nice big walk up the hill this morning. Water Really good - getting through 1.5 to 2 litres everyday - and getting some incidental exercise running to the loo. Watching Yes I've cut out all the crap and eating sensibly. So all in all not too bad - just need to maintain the focus and crank it up a bit. Scales showing a drop of 300g since Friday. Will report back again soon Z xx


Anne said...

First of all - any info on Perth or surrounding areas would be appreciated.

Well done with the wobble yous:-) You're going well! Being perfect all the time is a bit unreal but at least we are doing a lot better!

Nola said...

I think you do a marvellous job!! You always seem so focused to me:) But then....I would say that....because I have decided to become your bejewelled groupie!!