LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Thursday, April 09, 2009

The Next Travels of the Tart

Ok - time to spill the beans and tell you all about the next trip. As I said in my last post it was a pretty quick decision - heard about these awesome fares on Friday lunchtime, researched over the weekend, fine tuned with the travel agent on Monday and booked on Tuesday. Im going to tell the story of where we are going in pictures. We leave on on Wednesday 9th September, fly to Brisbane then via Singapore to here -


We spend 3 nights in Frankfurt then pick up a coach tour which follows this route - the little number beside some of the place names means the number of nights we spend there. The tour is for 15 days.

Cosmos Central European Tour

Berlin -2 nights

Warsaw - 2 nights
Krakow - 2 nights
Budapest - 2 nights
Prague - 2 nights
Vienna - 1 night
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Munich - 1 night

Then back to Frankfurt where we fly to here -

Edinburgh - home of Isabelle and Lainey and very close to Shauna. then to here - the village I was brought up in and where both my Mum and sister and brother-in-law live.

Drymen - and this is our local The Clachan - the oldest licensed premises in Scotland.

This is Glenalva - the house my mum and dad built and where I lived from I was 2 till I got married . The people who bought it from mum and dad have done a few additions and now run it as a thriving Bed and Breakfast business.
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After about 12 days with my family we fly to here -

London - but just passing through on our way to -

Hong Kong

We have two nights in HK - a spot of shopping might be in order! Then fly back to here -

and finally on Tuesday 13th October -

Home sweet home - the view from our deck.
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So nothing quite like that to give you motiviation!! Ive a bit more energy this week - still not really exercising but think Ill get back to it after Easter. Still off the alcohol - almost 3 weeks and it certainly helps - Im dropping at an average of 500g a week and just about to strike territory which has been uncharted for the past six months. About 22 weeks I think till we leave so plenty of time and opportunity to get myself in sparkling form for the trip.
It hasnt been a good week at work - as some of you know I work for Rio Tinto and this week there were many retrenchments in central Queensland - 18 and 15 respectively at the two sites I cover. Of the 18 I knew most of them - and one was a former team member - that really upset me. The 15 from the other site have yet to be announced so thats hanging over all their heads for the next week or so. Not good times in our world - and I guess thats why we are Seizing the Day - who knows what the future holds!
Hope you all have a beautiful peaceful Easter with your families and friends - you are allowed a very small piece of chocolate and one hot cross bun if your heart so desires!!! Me - Ill pass on the hot cross bun but my Easter treat is a little box containing 5 Lindt balls ..... mmmm!!!!
Take care bunnies!
Z xx


Sho said...

what a fantastic trip
.....emmmmm got me thinking too (& diving for my passport)

Job Losses.....not such a great time, really hard when you know those involved :(


jen said...

ohhhhh what a absolutely fantastic trip....

Apple2Hourglass said...

Wish I could come too!

Chris H said...

WOW! You are going to add a lot of new places to your list of "Where You have Been"! Awesome. Bet you can't wait!

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Yet another trip for me to be envious of... and as for Rio Tinto... I totally understand.. My partner works for ACL down here in Tassie... jobs just hanging day to day...

Anne said...

So so envious!! Looks amazing, such different places. I feel until we get Peter sorted our lives seem to be a bit on hold - but after that we are hoping for some travel this year.

Really hard times with the job losses, been there and know how it hits.

maria said...

Hey, great-new-look for the blog! And you did well showing us the places you'll be going in pictures! I'll be particularly interested to hear your impressions of Hungary, since I'm Hungarian.

You're doing a great job with your weight-management.. so you receive applause for that! And great choice with the milk? Lindt balls. They're my fav I have to say.

Do hope your job remains and that you aren't going anywhere unless *you* decide to! :) My job is seasonal..and is drawing to a close. I'm on 2 weeks hols right now... Don't know quite what to do with myself. My routines are either out of whack or not established yet since moving in March. And must get back to exercise..and counting points!

Have a great rest-of-the-week :)

p.s. how very interesting that your childhood home is a thriving B&B now! You could pay to go and stay there?

Jocelyn said...

Wow what a trip! I am feeling just a little envious right now , in the nicest possible way of course ;-)

Love the look of your blog these days, mostly I just read through bloglines, and I miss the changes when they come up.

Pam said...

Goodness, that looks very exciting and just a bit exhausting!

Would you like to know about a really great salad bar in Krakow?

Edinburgh, eh? Well, I'll be here... if you fancy a blogmeet. I've never met either Shauna or Lainey but my daughter (who also blogs) has met up with Shauna and I do read Lainey too. Unfortunately I work but an evening or weekend would be fine.