LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Well contrary to expectations I don't have big things to report this week. Despite trying really quite hard my weight actually shot up 1.4kgs between Sunday morning and Monday morning so kind of strange things happening. I'd a kind of pretend TOM (first for over 7 months) for a couple of days so guessing that played havoc with my fluid levels. Anyway since Monday morning I have been so good and so focussed it would probably make you vomit and it looks like the scales are finally responding. Got back into some serious walking again this week and have managed to get out the last three nights - and don't I feel so much better! My leg feels good most of the time - just a little tender spot that decides to ache every now and again. I put some new 'walking' songs on my MP3 and they make me really pound the pavement. Not much other news this week - spent a lot of the weekend doing my Dip. Business assignment for Module 2 - have got most of it finished - just the 10 minute presentation I have to do on review day left to do. Today I had my coaching session and had one part of the assignment to do with our coach - role playing a counselling session with a poor performing team member and then assigning a complex task to a team member. It went really well I'm pleased to say. Spoke to No 2 son who is in Rio de Janeiro at present - he's having a wonderful time and really enjoying his time there. No 1 son is changing roles at work and in preparation for this is attending a 5 day course at one of our sister smelters in Tasmania - should have told him to look you up Wanna and Suzy! Counting down weeks till we go to Vietnam - only just over 5 so need to maintain the focus I've found this week. That's it for me this week and I'm planning on postponing this week's high expectations to next week - so will report big things then!!! Have a great week chickies! Love Z xx


Anonymous said...

"my weight actually shot up 1.4kgs between Sunday morning and Monday morning"

It's time to sack Mr Scales Zanna, it is obviously lying or playing up! Go find a new scale that only reports happy news!

Genuinely, I would say a gain of 1.4 Kgs (about 3 lbs) between one day and another was highly suspicious and perhaps not to be taken at face value.

Lee-Anne said...

It's amazing isn't it how even after just a couple of days how much better you can feel.

Maintain that focus. Vietnam is a calling.

Anne said...

The "weight" gain does sound a bit of a strange thing.

Isn't it great when you are feeling focussed. Having Vietnam to look forward to will help. Love to hear how that trip goes, it's sounds interesting.

Apple2Hourglass said...

My focus has been missing for a while now. I haven't put any weight on, and in fact have lost about 3kg, but i'm eating like a pig. All the new incidental exercise i'm getting is obviously really helping. Now if only I could get my appetite under control i'd be skinny minny in no time. Could you please parcel up some focus and send it down to me?
thanks in advance!!

jen said...

yep definetly time to sack those "demon scales" !!! But keep up that focus.