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Sunday, March 01, 2009

Catch up

Realised that I hadn't posted for two weeks and I should get my A into G and update. Alls well in my world apart from a slight altercation with a packet of Rolos on Friday night! I'm still zoning along most of them time - I'm now at 3.1 on my count to ten. It was a bit slow there for a few weeks as I faffed around getting back down to it but I think I'm on the move again now. The Rolos? - well there is always a treat in the fridge for my two grandsons - usually either Rolos or the packets of Cadbury choc pastilles. And normally even though I know they are there I leave them alone. But Friday night they just wouldn't shut up and kept calling me - so in the end I shut them up!!!..... by eating them. But asides from that Ive been pretty good - had a few wines on the weekend but nothing during the week. Exercise hasn't been as good as it could be - I got to the gym last Monday, but was sick on Tuesday, then Wednesday and Thursday I was at other sites so no time to go to the gym and by Friday I was just too knackered. But a new week beckons. What else? It was Bloss birthday on Friday - as part of his present I got him Mario Karts for the Wii - gosh its hilarious fun. Last night I took him out for tea to the Indian restaurant in town - we had heard good things about it but had never been. Lovely meal - we will definitely be back. I was at the hairdresser the other night - had got fed up with my hair the length it was so got a bit chopped off at the back - really happy with it. Pic below.

No 2 son has been back in Brazil for a couple of weeks to see his girlfriend but I think he arrives back in Oz sometime this week - and I suspect he will pitch up here so will be nice to have him around although probably not for very long as I think hes got another overseas job lined up. No 1 son and family are all coming for tea tonight so can just imagine the hilarity as they all play Mario Karts!

Been doing a bit of thinking about our next holiday - not sure what we should do - Bloss looks like being tied up with some commissioning for the project hes on for a good few months so the question is whether we go before then or wait till after. Thinking we might go before - which would be the end of June. Where to? It will be somewhere in Asia I think as it will be for only about 10 days. Some good deals around where you can visit two destinations pretty cheaply - see Asia 2 in 1 Getaways - we've used this company before and they have really good prices. Brunei and Kuala Lumpur might be fun! Oh I just love this planning and researching stage!! Still enjoying Biggest Loser - only ones really bugging me at the moment are Holly and Mel - particularly Holly - just want to pick her up and give her a good shake!! And isn't Bob just the nicest man imaginable. Ok that's it from me - hope good things are happening in all your lives. Take care Love Z xx


Chris H said...

YOur haircut looks lovely.
You sure get around.. where's the most outlandish place you have been?

Pam said...

What beautiful bone structure you have. And lovely skin.

Anne said...

You are looking really lovely in that photo:-)

3.1 to ten sounds good!

I think our next holiday will be Samoa. Looking forward to venturing further although that won't happen soon with running our business.

jen said...

Love the haircut!!

Love all the places you holiday, would one day love to travel overseas, but so much more of Australia I want to see yet...we head off for another tour in July.

Lee-Anne said...

Belated birthday wishes to BC.

Have fun planning your holiday, I know how much you love it.

Please keep safe. Been watching on the news about Hamish.

Margaret said...

YOur haircut looks lovely, what a great time you must have planning and travelling.