LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Sunday, February 15, 2009

In the Zone

Yes dear blends I think I might have finally found that sweetest of spots - the ZONE. Ive had just the best week - not huge weight difference from my last update - (there was a bit of a hiatus when I went to Brisbane for the weekend last week). It all started when I got back from Brisbane - was thinking about the fact that Id had to think about what to take to wear as with these extra few kilos on nothing fitted quite the way I liked it (and some didn't fit at all!!). I don't like that sensation - I relish being able to go into my wardrobe (all three of them!!!) and have fun debating what to wear. I guess Ive been so busy with work lately and then when at home just slumming around in daggy gear it hadn't hit home just how limited my choices had become. So Monday morning I got back into exercise - two gym, one walk so far - would have been more but we've had so much rain this week. The notebook came out and I'm tracking my points AND the weighing scales are out on the bench on the kitchen - no guessing what 100g looks like - funny how over time what looks like 100g is actually about 150g!! I stopped the wine at the end of a gruelling day at work! and while cooking and eating dinner and only had three last night when Bloss took me out for dinner for Valentines day - and I had grilled fish and he forgot to tell them no chips and they were beautiful huge crunchy ones so I allowed myself three large ones and then pushed my plate away. I'm in control again - and I feel so much better even although I haven't suddenly dropped huge amounts -I know that if I stick with this I will drop. Its funny when you just know that you've got your head in the right place. Just need to keep it there now!! Thanks to all of you who encouraged me to keep blogging (and to those of you who delurked). I was just having one of those days (you know the kind) - I don't think I would easily give up blogging - even if I became spasmodic I think I need to reach out and get the contact and support from you all. And for those of you who might have noticed my Honesty Scrap which appeared briefly - I reread it the next day and thought I might have been a bit too honest in one of my comments in particular - well especially if it were read with no context around it and since I have no idea who all reads my blog I decided to remove the post. Like many of you am really enjoying Biggest Loser - no especial favourites yet - but get annoyed from time to time with Holly in particular, and Jodie and Jeda, and Cameron but full of admiration for Bob and Amanda - also admire the brothers for their sheer honesty and pulling no punches - but suspect they will become massive targets. Just got this months WW magazine - and so happy to hear its going to be published monthly now. They had a couple of interesting web sites to visit - - where you go and make a commitment - with your friends or yourself - for money (charity) or for honour. Check it out - Ive made a commitment to myself so will see how I go. The other one was where you can enter your favourite perfume and it will tell you what other perfumes have similar notes and you might like. Interestingly enough many years ago (about 30)back in Scotland there was a perfume I used to wear and every time I wore it I got complimented on it. Ive never been able to remember what it was called and who made it (it wasn't particularly expensive and not a big name). I knew it sounded something like Cacherel or Caleche. Anyway found it on this site - Cachet by Prince Matchabelli - the minute I saw it I remembered that was the name of that perfume. So I jumped on to and have ordered it for myself - was only about $35 so will be interesting to see if I still like it as much and if it suits a more mature woman! And finally a continuing apology for the apparent lack of punctuation - my apostrophe/quotation mark key is not working - my PC tech friend has ordered me a replacement but it hasn't turned up yet. (Although hopefully Ive managed to fix up a few with the spellchecker) OK dudes - have a great week - and you should now see some steady progress on my Count to Ten project. Love Z xx


Suzy said...

It is scary when clothes start to get tighter. Mine are like that at the moment. You sound really on top of things. Well done on pushing the chips away. You are far stronger than me. My mouth is watering just thinking about chips...

maria said...

Hiiii :)

Thank you for sharing your happy-news! Good on you for being 'in the zone'!

I have been after the latest WW mag for the last two weeks. I worked a meeting on Thursday and it wasn't available then.. they said "next week". I always look forward to it and I'm glad it's going to be monthly now too. I hope they don't skimp on success stories!

I'm enjoying the BL too.. curious to know what happens to the lady with the suspected clot in her leg... hmmm.

Have a great week :) p.s. Happy Valentine's Day for yesterday too.

Anne said...

I was finding there was getting to be a few clothes that were uncomfortable to wear in my wardrobe, now down 2 - 3 kilos and it's made qquite a diference:-)

You did well with the chips, tempting when they are on your plate.

I had a bit of fun with the website and the perfumes.

Chris H said...

"GO YOU" for being in the zone! Keep it up mate.

Maria Catalina Wiley said...

hi Zanna! hope you are well, sorry I haven't visited for a while :) Sounds like you are very motivated & determined, i'm sure you'll reach all your goals with your positive attitude, take care,
Maria :)

Julie's Journey said...

Hey sweetie
Your honesty blog still was sitting in my reader so I did get to read it. Thanks for the tag. Hope I can be as honest when I get around to it.

I seem to have a few days a week, usually around the weekend, when I am sort of out of control but am able to get back on track on Monday or at least I hope I am.

Well done on only 3 chips. I wish I had that self control. I love chips especially beer battered ones! See I am a bad influence.

In brief: Glad you are in the zone, also glad WW mag is coming out monthly (I remember when it only came out every 4 months), am enjoying Big Loser so much. I tragically sit there and loudly barrack for people, especially Amanda.

Sorry I am rambling on YOUR blog rather than mine. Remember we are here if you need us.

Lee-Anne said...

This post really hit home with me. It started me thinking too. I have too many of those days when the clothes are feeling too tight. I'm trying to figure out how to get myself in the zone. I guess I'll have to fake it till I make it.

I use that same website for my perfumes too. One of the girls at work found it a while back and it's great. Fast service too.

Have a great weekend and keep on hanging in the "zone".

Anonymous said...

Hooray! The Zone is indeed a great place to be. Good on you, lovely!

I really enjoy WW mag, too, and love that it's monthly now. Woohoo!

Thanks for your gorgeous comment on my blog last week, too. What would I do without lovely people like you? :)

Take care :)


jen said...

Amazing how being in the "zone" can make so many changes to us weightwatchers, good on you, keep it up!!