LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Monday, April 21, 2008

Counting down - Day 1 of 100

Yes good people I'm shamelessly copying Anne and have embarked on a 100 day challenge. I'm still faffing around losing 200g one week and gaining 300g the next! Well not exactly but 'broad brushstrokes' I'm not doing anything clever or going anywhere fast. So I was lying in bed the other night - lamenting my lack of focus and I was thinking about Anne's self imposed challenge and the more I thought about it the better the idea seemed. So.... it started today. Not too many rules - just the usual - drink 2l water daily, abstain from alcohol, stay on 18 points or less daily and endeavour to exercise daily. Some of you may remember I did the big abstinence thing at the beginning of last year and I felt great and lost mucho kilos. So we're off - hang on it might be bumpy ride. Not much else to report this week - Bloss got back from NZ last night. I had a really quiet week at home - didn't end up doing the girly night out - just couldn't be arsed. Have watched so far 11 movies in 8 days! Picks for this week - School for Seduction (so funny), Sleepless in Seattle (had never managed to see that) Dreamer (an absolutely delightful family move guaranteed to have you in tears). Went to the docs tonight - bloody blood pressure has been steadily rising so have ended up having to have some medication. A review again in about 6 weeks to see what's happening then. That's it from me this week - need to go and cook tea - got a team day to run tomorrow so need to do some final prep but just wanted to pop in and say g'day to everyone. Have a great week everyone and I'll report on the challenge next week. Love Z xx


Em said...

What a good idea...nothing like a good challenge to keep you on track...I have watched Sleepless in seattle and dreamer loved them both..watched dejavu and fracture a couple of weeks ago recommend them ..hope your blood pressure settles down....enjoy your week and thanx for your kind words

Chris H said...

I can't believe you have never seen Sleepless in Seattle! It's one of my favourite movies. Good luck on the 100 day challenge, if I could be arsed I'd do it to... but I can't be bothered! Derrrr!

Suzy said...

Wow you have been busy! Glad the dreaded M.pause (can't even bring myself to say the word at the moment) symptoms have settled a bit.

Good luck with your challenge. I'm afraid I'm not good at abstaining from wine ;-)

Anne said...

Good luck with the challenge! 18 points - hard going, I stick to 20 which is probably why not much result. Something for me to think about....

Sorry to hear you had to go on medication for the HBP.

Pam said...

Thanks for your comment about my poor friend.

You are indeed good at seizing the moment - an inspiration. I wish I were, but then I spend too much time reading blogs, maybe...?

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

No alcohol!!!! ouch...
100 day challenge... yes.. sounds good in theory....
But no alcohol.....Nah.... ;o)
Sorry to hear about having to go on meds for blood pressure tho.. i hope that settles soon..